Story Notes: Archive: Like anyone would want it, but if you do, be my guest

Spoilers: None

Season/Sequel: Any time after Jacob becomes a Tok’ra

Feedback: Look at it this way: If you like it, feedback can get me to write more, if you hate it, feedback can get me to stop. Praise will light my life, Constructive Criticism will light the dark, and Flames will light my best friend’s squares.

Authors Notes: I blame this fic on the lack of sleep. That and the lack of oxygen from the running. It’s not my fault I swear.

Dedication: To Mr. Farrell and Elita. Neither will ever read it, but you gave me the strength to move on, try new things, and take chances. Basically to just be myself. And also to Ram, for sending me my first feedback, and at the same time encouraging me to do more. I will be forever grateful to you all.

Time who ever really thinks about it? Time is relative, it’s not important. Sitting here now, I realize just how important it really is. Sam and Jack are in there now. Out here with me is General Hammond and Jacob of course. Sam is Jacob’s daughter, and General Hammond loves her as if she were his. They both feel as if Jack is their son. Since it’s their "children" in there, it’s only natural that they’re out here. Joining us in the waiting room is the fourth member of our team, Teal’c. I don’t know how he does it, he looks as stoic as ever, but I know he’s not. Janet and Cassie finish off our little ensemble, after all there’s not much Janet can do, we’re not on the base anyway. I’ve come to one conclusion; I hate hospital coffee, and the more I drink of it, the more I pace.

"Daniel could you please stop pacing? You’re starting to make me sick."

"I’m sorry Jacob, it’s just that ever since we heard about the possible complications, I’ve been worried sick. And Teal’c how the hell can you just sit there like that?"

"DanielJackson what is wrong with the way I’m sitting? Is this not the way I always sit?"

"Yeah, but you’re just so calm. I’m going to go nuts if this takes any longer!"

"DanielJackson, how are you going to turn yourself into a small protein?" Teal’c asks me with a puzzled look on his face. Oh well, I thought he was actually starting to understand Tau’ri phrases. Luckily Jacob explains so I don’t have to.

"It’s a figure of speech Teal’c, don’t worry about it. Now Daniel, these things take time, so why don’t you sit down and have some coffee."

"Because I don’t like this damn coffee, I’d rather stand, and I hate waiting. Now I know how they feel every tome something is wrong with me. All the time you spend waiting you feel like you could be doing something to help. I hate feeling like this, it reminds me of watching my parents die. I couldn’t help then, and I can’t help now." With my tirade, I’ve spent all my reserved energy, and I have to sit down. Damn.

Hours pass, I don’t know how long, but it doesn’t matter anyway. Like I said before time’s relative. An unspecified amount of nothing. Observable motion, like time, is relative. Funny thing is, in all the time that’s passed, there hasn’t been any movement. And then, all of a sudden there is. A nurse comes through the door to a variety of questions. However, the most prominent, is mine. "How’s Sam doing?"

"Major Carter is doing fine."

"Well, what about Jack? The last thing we had heard, he passed out."

"Calm down Dr. Jackson, mother, father, and son are all doing fine. You can all come and visit for a short time." Before the last syllable has even left her mouth, she’s pushed aside by everyone from Cassie to Teal’c. When we finally all pack in the room, Jacob’s the first to speak.

"So what is my grandson’s name?"

"Daniel Jacob. We decided that if we have anymore children to name them after the rest of you."

"Sam, Jack, I’m really honored you guys would name him after me." I mumble incoherently.

"You know Space Monkey, for a linguist you sure can’t speak to well." Before I can respond, and start a verbal sparring match Jacob steps in again.

"All right you two, my grandson doesn’t need to be hearing this on his first day in the world. And Sam, trust me on this, you’ll come to realize that your child is worth all the pain of giving birth, so do us all a favor. Don’t castrate your husband with a dull spoon." We all have to laugh, even Teal’c at the look on Jack’s face when SELMAK said that last comment.

"Gee, thanks Dad, I know you’re the one who taught him that one. I really don’t think Sam needs ANY more ways to do it. Although, I did think castration by Stargate had potential." Then we all start to laugh again, and as we pass the new baby around, I realize that this is a child that will be extremely loved. I mean come on, for all extents and purposes, little Danny, as I’ sure Jack will call him, has three grandfathers, a mother, a father, two uncles, an aunt, and a cousin, all in this very room, right now. I can just see it now. We’ll all be fighting to spend time with him. Ah it doesn’t matter anyway, like I said before; time’s relative.


The End

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