Story Notes: Email:

Sam-: "We can't just leave him here." Sam said to Daniel and Teal'c as she placed her hand up against the glass front of the stasis chamber Jack was now in.

Daniel-: "Well what can we do? There's no other way" Daniel replied as he looked at Jack staring into the abyss, the warm, glowing glint in his eyes now gone as he stood there motionless.

Sam-: "There must be some way. I'm not leaving him here like this, not after everything we've been through." Tears were now welling in her eyes and her voice grew choked, "He has risked his life countless times to save this world, and now he may even have given up his…" She couldn't finish. She was afraid that if she did, the fears she had been carrying, from the moment he had stuck his head in the ancient repository, would come true. That a second time may be to much for him.

Suddenly Teal'c spoke up. Teal'c-: Major Carter, perhaps the transport rings could be of some assistance. That way we could all return to the SGC and find out a way to help O'Neill there."

Sam's eyes grew wide in hope. Sam-: "That could work, come on"

So they all worked at removing the chamber from its hold in the column using tiny amounts of explosives to separate the adjoining parts of the chamber and its support. As they hauled it over to the transport rings the whole place started to collapse in on itself. As the rings came down around them, the place demolished into the caverns below.

One week later

Sam was on her own in a lab working on some calculations. The stasis chamber on a podium in the middle of the room. She suddenly heard a faint tapping sound coming from the chamber and looked up. To her horror Jack was gone. She ran over but as she got there a voice behind her spoke up.

Voice: "Miss me?" She looked at the reflection in the glass front of the chamber to see Jack standing right behind her as he placed one hand on her shoulder and the other around her waist. He kissed her hair softly, and moved down to place fiery, passionate kisses on her neck, but as she turned around to fall softly into his embrace he had vanished. She turned back to the stasis chamber but instead saw the ancient repository sucking in Jack's head again.

Sam-: "JACK!" She reached out to grab him but as she did her hand came into contact with the chamber, and Jack was back inside. Suddenly his body started to disintegrate as though to ash.

Sam-: "JACK, GOD NO!" She screamed as she tried desperately to open the chamber. A voice echoed around her.

Voice-: "You can't save him, it's too late,"

Sam-: "NO" she cried as she picked up a microscope and threw it at the door to no avail. Jack was almost gone.

Voice-:"He's gone from your life forever" Then Jack was gone, now but a pile of ash.

Sam-: "JACK!" Sam suddenly woke up, at her home, in her living room, no stasis chamber, no voice anywhere near. She had fallen asleep on the couch after being ordered home by the newly re-instated General Hammond. She had been working non-stop to find a way to open the chamber since they returned from Antarctica. She was still in her BDU's. She'd gone straight to the couch and got to work as she arrived home for the first time since she had been called into the SGC to find the Lost City of the ancients. She looked at the clock on her mantle piece to see it was two o'clock in the morning. She headed off to her room leaving calculations and various notes strewn across the coffee table. As she walked into her bedroom she noticed an envelope on her bed that hadn't been there two weeks ago when she'd left for the SGC. She walked over, picked up the envelope and pulled out a letter. As she looked at it she knew automatically that it was Jack's handwriting.

My Dearest Sam,
I know it will not be long before this pain in the ass knowledge takes over my brain and leaves me incapable to write in any form of language we humans know, so I'm gonna make the most of it. Sam, for years we've worked together and fought together. Everyday, I feel as though my world changes for the better every time you walk into the room. I don't really know how to express my truest feelings for you, because there are no words in this language or any ancient language that can describe you, or how I feel about you. But I'll try as best I can. To put it simply Sam, I love you. I have done for the past 7 years but never got the chance to tell you. You are more beautiful than life itself, and I couldn't imagine my life without you. But now as that seems inevitable given the current situation, we will probably never get the chance to experience that together. I want you to have this as a sign of my undying love for you. For some reason that's the only part of ancient that I know the translation for. Probably because it is the word that I most wanted to know, given that this was what got me to finally admit my feelings for you. I'll let you translate it as I know that's what you're best at, solving problems, and that's why I couldn't let you put your head in the repository. You're a more valuable asset to this world than I'd ever be, and you're even more valuable to me.
Yours forever
Jack X

She pulled a velvet material out of the envelope as tears ran down her cheek. She opened the material to find a ring inside. There were 7 tiny stones encrusted in the ring (1 for every year they'd known each other). As she turned the ring over, she looked at the underside and read off the word… `dat – rakaia' She ran to the lounge and grabbed some papers with translations on them, and headed quickly to her room again. As she looked through the papers she found what she was looking for. `dat – rakaia' ; meaning unbreakable, endless love She lay down on the bed and placed the ring on her wedding finger, and held the letter in her hand. Just as she was about to fall asleep she noticed a photo in the envelope. She was certain it hadn't been there earlier. She picked it up to reveal a picture of her and Jack at one of his barbeques he had held for the SG-1 members. His skin looked tanned and smooth, his firm muscles patent beneath his shirt. So different from the way he was now. She suddenly felt a pang of guilt. She was here in her warm, comfy bed, whist he was there at the SGC, all alone save for the airmen guarding the entrance to the lab. But before she could do anything she had fallen asleep where she lay. A warm breeze lifted her hair from her cheek lightly, though no window was open in the house.

Whilst Sam was sleeping, she dreamt that she was back in the icy cavern, although everything was opposite to the way it was supposed to be. Everything was upside down. But the main difference was that Jack was no longer in the chamber, he was standing next to it. He spoke up.

Jack-: "See I told you you'd figure it out."

Sam-: "Jack…I…What do you mean, where are we"

Jack-: "Where do you think Sam?"

Sam-: In Antarctica, but everything's the opposite way round." She looked confused for a moment, then something in her brain clicked

Sam-: "Wait does that mean…" Jack was now standing next to her. Sam turned to face him.

Jack-: "Yes" He pushed a golden lock of hair behind her ear, and trailed his hand down her arm and lightly took hold of her hand. He pulled it up to his face and kissed her palm.

Sam-: "Jack, what if this doesn't work."

Jack-: "Shhh. Of course it will. After all you're the one who thought of it. It's your dream remember" And as she leant up to kiss him, he put a finger over her lips.

Jack-: "Got to go now" And as he stepped back she called after him

Sam-: "Jack, wait!" And he was suddenly back in the stasis chamber.

Sam-: "Jack…" Sam whispered softly as tears ran down her cheeks, and she awoke from her dream tears drying on her cheeks and a look of realisation on her face. She immediately reached for the phone on the table next to her bed and dialled Daniel's number not even noting that it was four am. Daniel answered the phone rather groggily.

Daniel-: "H…Hello."

Sam-: "Daniel it's me."

Daniel-: "Sam, what's wrong, it's four in the morning"

Sam-: "I've figured it out!"

Daniel-: "What?"

Sam-: "How to get Jack back" Daniel sounded more awake now

Daniel-: "What!, how when?!

Sam-: "Meet me at the SGC in an half an hour an I'll tell you everything" She put down the phone not even waiting for a reply. She ran out of her front door to her motorbike and headed to the SGC.

Sam ran along her corridor the lab that Jack was in. She'd reached the SGC in record time. Possibly because of the speed at which she'd travelled. She was certain she'd got snapped several times by speed cameras on the highway, but she didn't care, she'd deal with that when she'd got Jack back. That was all that mattered. As she arrived she dismissed the airmen standing guard at the door and closed the door behind her. She turned to look at Jack. Although he didn't have the same look in his eyes or the warm ambiance he gave off normally, her heart still skipped a beat, as it always did whenever she saw him. She pulled a chair from behind the desk and positioned it in front of him.

Sam-: "Hey Jack, it's me. I think I've figured it out, how to get you back. It's a long shot but it's the best we've got. God if this doesn't work I don't know what I'm gonna do. I can't go on like this. Not having your laughter, your warmth, your strength to keep me going. Please just hold on a little longer, for me. You can't leave, not now I know how you really feel about me." She looked at the ring on her hand and swivelled it round her finger with her thumb.

Just then the door to the lab opened and Daniel came bounding in followed by Teal'c.

Daniel-: "Sam, airman Hewes said you were in here. Have you really worked it out?"

Sam-: "Yeah" Sam stood up and turned to face Daniel and Teal'c.

Daniel-: "How? When?"

Sam-: "It came to me in a dream. Well it's a long shot, but it could be that all we have to do is take Jack in the stasis chamber to the Arctic and place it in the correct position."

Teal'c-: "Major carter, how will taking O'Neill to the Arctic revive him and bring him out of stasis?"

Sam-: "It's on the opposite side of the world to Antarctica. Perhaps if Antarctica put Jack in stasis, then the Arctic can bring him out."

They all turned to look at Jack hoping that this time they could really save him

An icy cavern later that day

The familiar sound of a rings device activating was echoing around the cavern as 3 people appeared inside along with a large oval shaped pod. Sam surveyed the area as Daniel and Teal'c placed the stasis chamber in the correct position in the column. The odd thing was, that there was no chamber to remove so that they could put Jack's in its place. As Sam came back, Teal'c and Daniel were securing the chamber in place, and as they did so, lights began to activate around it. The front of the chamber suddenly became coated in ice.

Daniel-: "Um, Sam, is it supposed to do that?"

Sam-: "I don't know, perhaps we need to…" But before she could finish steam erupted from the four corners of the pod, and the door of the stasis chamber opened up and Jack tumbled out. Sam caught him and sunk to the floor with him. His eyes were closed and as she touched his cheek, he opened them slowly.

Sam-: "Jack. It's me, can you hear me. We got you out, your safe" Jack spoke slowly

Jack-: "Sam…where are we?"

Sam-: "The Arctic, but that doesn't matter. Are you alright?" Jack looked down at Sam's hand and saw the ring. He smiled.

Jack-: "I am now" They got up slowly, Sam helping Jack up in the process. As they stared into each others eyes the now empty stasis chamber began it emit a high pitched noise, and before they could do anything, it exploded in a burst of white light.

Sam, Daniel and Teal'c were thrown back in the general direction of the rings device and Jack was thrown in the opposite direction. The place started to fall apart around them and gaping holes appeared in the floor. Sam looked up just in time to see Jack fall through one.

Sam-: "JACK!" Jack grabbed the edge as he fell and heaved himself up onto his arms, but his foot was caught on something and he couldn't move any further. The floor was crumbling away around him, and he knew before long he would fall into the chasm beneath him. Large chunks of the ceiling were falling to the floor all around them. Jack called out to the others.

Jack-: "GET OUT OF HERE. GO NOW! THAT'S AN ORDER!" Sam stood up and hovered near a wall looking intensely at Jack and at the ceiling.

Sam-: "Daniel, Teal'c get back up to the ship NOW!" Jack saw the look on her face and knew what she was going to do.


Sam launched herself at a run from the wall making her way to Jack. Daniel shouted after her

Daniel-: "SAM!" She yelled back at them

Sam-: "GO NOW!" She stopped dead in her tracks as a large section of rock came crashing down in front of her, and dodging other pieces that fell, she leapt for Jack and grabbed hold of his arms as she heard the rings device activating. At least she wouldn't be guilt ridden if Teal'c and Daniel hadn't followed her orders and ended up dead as she tried to save the man she loved. Sam held on for dear life. Jack's life.

Sam-: "Come on Jack, I'm not gonna lose you now!" She grabbed hold of his shoulders and pulled with a strength she didn't know she possessed. His body came up over the edge and she radioed up to the waiting ship.

Sam-: "Daniel activate the rings NOW!" Sam and Jack leapt for the rings platform and crashed into it.

As Jack looked up he saw a large portion of ceiling about to land on them. He immediately and without any hesitation threw himself over Sam to protect her. Sam threw her arms around Jack and held him close as they both closed their eyes and waited for the inevitable blow.

When it did not come they opened their eyes to find they were in the safe confines of the ship. Daniel ran over to them.

Daniel-: "Are you guys OK"

Jack-: "I think so," he felt his body "limbs still attached, that's a good sign" Sam gazed into his eyes

Sam-: "Yeah"

Daniel stood up

Daniel-: "I think I'm gonna leave you guys alone. I think I hear Teal'c calling"

Teal'c-: "I did not call you Daniel Jackson" Teal'c replied from where he sat at the controls of the ship. The door slid shut behind him. They just stared into each others eyes not moving. Jack broke the silence.

Jack-: "Are you sure you're OK?"

Sam-: "Fine. What about you?"

Jack-: "Peachy" Sam smiled as she touched his face.

Sam-: " I almost lost you again back there" Jack looked deeply into her eyes

Jack-: "But you didn't. We're here. Together." He looked down at the ring again. "I take it you got my letter"

Sam-: "Yeah"

Jack-: "Did you work it out?" Sam smiled and touched his lips with her finger.

Sam-: "It means unbreakable and endless love"

Jack-: "I told you you'd work it out" He ran his hand through her hair

Jack-: "I meant every word, and I don't want us to ever be apart again. I love you too damn much"

Sam-: "I love you Jack…" Sam replied as his lips descended on hers. He kissed her lips lightly at first, just capturing hers in between his own, but as the feelings they had held back for so long found their way to the surface, they found their kissed becoming more fervent and desperate. Jack's tongue was questing for entrance to Sam's mouth, and she willingly obliged, opening her mouth, as he stroked her tongue with his, memorising every part of her mouth. She ran her hands up inside his shirt stroking the smooth skin of his back, as he kissed her neck, trailing a hot path down her neck.

Sam-: "…god, I love you so much" Sam breathed.

Two weeks later

There was a gathering of family and friends all seated in a garden. A man spoke as 2 people stood before him.

Man-: "And do you Samantha Carter, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Sam was dressed in a white satin strapless bodice and skirt with tiny mother of pearl jewels embossed on it. A long white train extended out of her skirt, and a pure white veil hung down the back of her head from a small silver diamante tiara on top of her golden hair.

Sam-: "I do" Sam replied. Smiling at her fiancée before her, soon to be her husband. That was as long as the Asguard didn't beam him up before they could finish their vows.

Man-: "And do you Jack O'Neill take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Jack-: "With all my heart." Jack was dressed in his blue ceremonial uniform, with a sword at his side. Daniel and Teal'c stood next to him both best men (as Jack, known for bending rules, couldn't decide between the two of them so had them both do it). Cassie stood beside Sam, her maid of honour, wearing a lilac dress and holding Sam's bouquet of white lillies and roses. The rings that had been exchanged bore tiny pieces of stone in each. It was from the glass front of the stasis chamber that has held Jack. A piece had got caught on Sam's BDU as it exploded a fortnight ago. They had decided to use it in their wedding rings because this was what had lead them to admit their feelings for each other. When they had arrived back at he SGC, Jack had had this whole speech planned on how he didn't care about court martial or regulations, all he cared about was being with the woman he loved more than anything in the world. Of course he didn't need to use it when General Hammond announced that they had been give a pardon by the President and they could be together without having to worry about regs. It seemed that Daniel had contacted Hammond on the journey home and informed him of the situation. Hammond had gone to the President personally to argue their case. After all they weren't your standard military Major and Colonel, and they had just saved the world.

Man-: "Then by the power invested in me I pronounce you husband and wife." Jack pulled Sam into his arms and swung her round just like he had done those few years back when he and Teal'c had been time looping for months. But just before he kissed her, he stopped short of her lips and looked into her eyes, and said…

Jack-: "Dat-rakaia?"

Sam-: "Dat-rakaia" Sam confirmed. Only they knew what it meant, and that's how it would stay, as Sam reached up and pulled Jack towards her and kissed him. She had her Jack back, and they were going to be together as husband and wife, eternally.


A cabin in Minnesota.

Jack was out on the porch attending to a barbeque. Sam came up behind him with a bowl of salad and placed it on the table. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed him on the cheek. They hadn't aged a day. They both looked out to the lake at the bottom of their garden. A young girl with long, golden curls, wearing her favourite white dress was playing by the lake with her dog, Lucky. She was blowing bubbles while Lucky, leapt up, trying to catch them.

Sam-: "She's growing up fast."

Jack-: "Tell me about it" He turned round to face her and pulled her into his arms. She looked into his eyes as she gently brought his hand up to her face. She kissed the ring on his finger.

Sam-: "Ten years today" Jack smiled at her.

Jack-: "It took us long enough"

Sam-: "But it was worth the wait." She reached up to kiss him. After all these years they still had the same passion that they had when they first got together. Maybe even more. When they broke apart, Sam called to her daughter.

Sam-: "Grace, come here honey!" Grace turned and ran up to the house. She jumped into her fathers arms as he swung her round and kissed her on the cheek.

Jack-: "Simpsons marathon on tonight" Jack said, with the excited air of a school boy.

Sam-: "You're gonna watch the Simpsons on our anniversary?" Sam said, pretending she was irritated. After years of being with Jack, she found another thing she loved about him (if that was even possible). The fact that he was a big kind at heart. He and Grace got on perfectly.

Grace-: "For cryin' out loud, Simpsons is so overrated"

Jack-: "Excuse me young lady!" Jack replied in mock horror

Jack-: "I think it's time for a dip in the lake for you" He started to chase the squealing child down to the lake, as Sam followed casually, the dog followed at her heels. Jack and Grace had already reached the lake and they were now splashing each other in the water. They both turned to look at Sam, dripping wet. Jack bent down to Grace's ear and whispered something that made her giggle. She went up to Sam.

Grace-: "Mom, where did I come from?" Sam stood there, trying to avoid answering the question any way she could, not noticing that Jack had crept up behind her. That was until she saw Grace giggle as she looked past her mother, and just as Sam turned around Jack grabbed her around the waist, throwing her over his shoulder. He jogged to the lake ignoring the desperate threats, `not to do this or you'll regret it' from Sam. He took her from his shoulder into his arms, and ran into the lake, whilst Grace was laughing hysterically on the shore. Jack kissed Sam quickly, apologised for what he was about to do, and threw her in. He turned to smile at Grace, as Sam got up, grabbed his shoulders and pulled him in. Grace and Lucky ran into the lake to join them, as the ensuing water fight took place.

The End

End Notes: This is my first Sam and Jack fanfiction story, so feedback would be greatly appreciated, oh and I'm also only 16, so don't judge me as an adult writing this :) )

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