Story Notes: know who macgyver is.

"Jack, how do we get out of here?"

"we wait"

"no one knows where we are"

"so we wait allot"

"I'm clastrophobic"




"Daniel, you're there?"

"can't you get us out of here, Jack?"


"i mean you are MaGgyver. you know how to do things"

"you really got hit over the head didn't you?"


"I'm not MacGyver"

"could've fooled me"


"come on, if anyone can do it you can"

"I'm not him"

"prove it"

"he always gets the girl"

"and you don't?"


"should i start a list?"


"name one you wanted and didn't get"


"what was that?"


"then get us out of here"

"do i need to hit you again so you'll understand, I'm not him, for crin' out loud!"


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