Story Notes: E-mail:

Disclaimer: Not mine.

Spoilers: None

Season: 6 but no spoilers at all. Could be in any season but written with Meta in mind .

A/N: This actually came out as *exactly* 100 words. With no fiddling! Yikes!

In the end, it wasn't as hard as he thought. In fact, it was quite simple really.

He snuck up behind her while she was getting her car keys out of her bag. She must have seen his reflection in the window of her car because she didn't jump when his arms slid around her waist and he tugged her back up against him.

Her head came back against his shoulder and she sighed, "Tough day."

Deciding the contact wasn't enough, he crumpled her shirt up with one hand and slid the other under, finding warm, smooth skin. "Getting better."

The End

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