Story Notes: E-mail:

Season: Five

Spoilers: Ascension

Pairings: Sam and Jack

Content Warnings: Bit of swearing

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters relating to Stargate. They belong to MGM and any of their associates. I’m just playing around with them for a little while!

Authors Note: OK, so this is almost pointless, but I was watching a music vid, and saw the above-described scene and this just would NOT let go!! It’s so short I can’t believe I’m posting it, but oh well!! This one’s for my mum and dad, who’ve been really great today.

I feel like the biggest bastard on the planet right now.

The look she gives me is accusing, and she’s right.

I betrayed her. I betrayed her trust, our friendship and insulted her beyond belief.

She looks to me for confirmation of everything I’ve, we’ve, done, and all I can do is look down at the floor, giving her the answer she wants.

I’ve betrayed her. In every way possible.

When she needed us, me; we, I; weren’t there.

That’s the biggest betrayal of all.

We weren’t there for her.

But trust me Sam.

I’ll be there now.


End Notes: That’s it!! I’ve done it!! Finito!! Hope you’ve enjoyed it, and as always… FEEDBACK me!!! J


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