Story Notes: Warning: Main Character Death

Set/Spoilers: Future, after Homecoming/Fallen, mild spoilers for S5 and S7

A/N: Big thank you to chiroho and splash_the_cat who somehow did help with a beta she wasn't doing ;oP

It was the first law in physics you ever really understood; “Every object persists in its state of rest, or uniform motion (in a straight line), unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed on it.”

You realise now that your whole life was set in motion the day your father entered the house to tell you that your mother was never coming home again. For one millisecond you believed that you had done something wrong, that your mother had decided she didn’t really want to see you again. Then you understood it was more fundamental than that.

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” That was the second law you learned all too well. Your mother’s death made you realise that you didn’t like changes. They rarely brought any good, and most of the time you ended up in tears as change meant you lost something.

You started to hate change, hate it so much that you refused to hold on to something in fear that an external force would make it move in an other direction than which you had intended it to go. It’s what made you break up your engagement - although you suspect your fiancé’s instability might have had something to do with that as well. You really don’t want to know what kind of forces brought him to that state, but you fear you had something to do with it.

Then you started working at Stargate Command, and for the first time in your life you started to believe in something that went beyond physics. You even started to think that perhaps not all external forces were bad, until something changed, and they took Daniel from you. You wanted to go back; wanted to believe again that change was bad because it hurt too much to be good. Then Daniel came back, and it defied any law you’d ever come across.

“The time rate of change in momentum is proportional to the applied force and takes place in the direction of the force.”

Strange how one broken law made you believe in another. For the first time in your life you started to believe that perhaps change wasn’t so bad. You still smile as you remember the hopeful look in Jack’s eyes when he placed his letter of resignation in front of you.

You started to panic at first. How could this big a change be good? That was until he turned up at your house the following day, dressed up and clean-shaven, a nervous smile playing across his lips as he asked if you felt like going to dinner with him.

You never made it out of the house, but you don’t regret it for one second. He started staying over more often, making sure to be there after your missions. It felt right to come home to him.

Then came the phone call a couple of days ago. The Asgard needed him. They were supposed to keep him safe, bring him back to you in one piece.

You weren’t supposed to pick up the telephone and feel the world shatter around you. You don’t even notice that it isn’t on the hook as you slide down to the floor, and stare into empty space.

You always knew that if anyone could stop the chain reaction that started the day your mother died, it was him.

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