Story Notes: ARCHIVE: SJD yes.

SPOILERS: none, but it was set in Season 6.

Copyright by Blue Topaz, 2002

McKay had finished his first 2 days, the first day was physical examination (Janet said that he was in a good shape, no diseases whatsoever, but he was allergic to citrus.), the second day was a visit to McKenzie's office (the report said that he suffered from a severe case of self-worship, but other than that he was okay.). The last day (tomorrow) would be the 'ultimate' test.

All members of the SG-1 were present in Major Carter's quarters, the time showed 11:23 pm. They had been discussing the trial, Colonel O'Neill briefed his team about his carefully formed 'plan'.

"Any questions?" He asked at the end.

"Uhm, Sir. Are you sure about this? It's so close to breaking the regs." As much as she wanted McKay to fail this test, Major Carter was still concerned about the fact that they were going to cross some fine lines. After Hammond recovered, he would read the report about the trial, they had to be careful, be very careful.

"It's close, but not actually breaking it."

"But ..."

"Do you have a better idea?"

"No." she shook her head.

"It's settled then."

Teal'c didn't say much because he didn't really care about the regs, McKay would pay for what he had done. Jonas didn't say much because his part in this scheme was not that bias, it was pretty straightforward.

"I wish to return to my quarters and prepare myself for tomorrow, O'Neill." The Jaffa said.

"Ah, yes. I'll see you tomorrow Teal'c."

The big Jaffa smiled and bowed his head before leaving the room.

"I'm going to do some research for tomorrow, Colonel. If that's alright with you." Jonas said.

"Yes, go. Make it as difficult as possible." The Colonel said with a big smile.

"I don't see how I can make it difficult, Colonel. All I have to do is ..."

"Jonas, I don't want to hear it. Just go and do your job." Colonel O'Neill interrupted him.

"Ah, yes. See you Colonel, Sam." Jonas was a quick learner so he quickly he made his escape.

And so the Colonel and the Major were alone inside her quarters.

"Are you alright?" He asked tentatively.

She sighed and slumped to her bed, "Why shouldn't I be?"

He closed their distance and sat next to her, "You tell me."

She looked at him, "He's annoying."

"Hey, I'm annoying, but I don't see you panicking like this because of me." He was not satisfied with her answers.

"That's true." She smiled at that. Not often Jonathan O'Neill admitted that he's annoying. He always had his way with her, he could turn her feelings around as easy as turning the back of his hand.

"That's true what? That I'm annoying? Or you've never panicking because of me?"

"That you're annoying."

"I'm going to overlook this insubordination this time Major, considering the fact that you have just recovering from a panic attack." He mocked her.

"You said it first."

"You don't have to agree to everything I say."

"On the contrary, Kind Sir, I have to. You're my CO." as soon as the words left her mouth, she wished she could take them back.

He just stared at her, thinking how great it would be if he weren't her CO.

"It sucks to be your CO. I have to deal with all the insults every day." He pouted while she was giggling, relieve washed over her.

"I'm afraid you're stuck with me, Sir."

"Yeah." Softly, he gazed at her. He didn't mind the 'insults', he didn't mind the techno babble, and he didn't mind being stuck with her.

She turned her head to the door and sighed once again, "He was giving me the creeps."

"Who? McKay?"

"Yeah. First, he made all those degrading comments about me and then he told me that he was jealous of me. And he blamed all those things on his unhappy childhood. I could handle him, I know I could but the thought that he will be here everyday ..." she shuddered, " I think I will need to see McKenzie regularly."

"Hey." He nudged her shoulder with his gently, and then she looked at him, "I will not let that happen. Trust me."

"I know. Thanks."


There is no way that McKay will set a foot in here, not while I'm still around. Carter doesn't want him here. I know she doesn't. And all I wanted is for her to be happy. If that includes using my position to do certain things, then so be it. There is no chance that McKay could pass this test. And I have my buddy, Teal'c right beside me on that. Good thing that I'm in command of this base (not that I want Hammond to be ill.)


I know that he's going to haunt me someday, but I always thought that the mountain was secure enough and that Moscow and Colorado Spring are far enough. I can't believe that I was so naïve. Sure, I could stand him for a certain amount of time, but if he does get the job, I'll see him every day. Oh Boy, the Colonel better kept his promise. His plan is ... very manipulative, and I have to say for the record, it's not a standard recruitment test.


If there is a real God, then I must say thank you for the opportunity that the God had given to me. I shall have my revenge tomorrow. O'Neill and I have planned this for 2 days; it is the perfect 'plan'.


Colonel O'Neill told me that SG-1 is going to do the trial of Dr. McKay. He was a brilliant scientist, but I don't like his attitude. And I could've sworn that the Colonel didn't want him to join us as well. All you have to do is look at his plan, it is clearly designed to make McKay traumatised.


Why does Colonel O'Neill have to be so discreet about his plan? Damn that man, just because he's in command, he thinks that he could do anything. Well, he could. But still ...


Why do we have to have a mission tomorrow? Nothing interesting had happened in the base for weeks, and when it does, we wouldn't even be there. I wonder if the Colonel would let us skip this mission just once ... slim chance ... but it couldn't hurt to ask, right?


I'm going to join the SGC soon, and see her everyday. Ohhh, it's going to be Heaven on Earth for me. I can't wait for tomorrow. My angel, here I come.


I have a bad feeling. Not because of the flu, there's something else. Could it be the SGC?

End Notes: AN: Alright, I can promise you that we're going to have fun in the next part ... hehehe.Please send reviews and feedbacks.

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