Story Notes: E-MAIL :

ARCHIVE: Sam and Jack

SPOILERS: Season 4, Entity

SEQUEL: A sequel to Voice in the Dark, Finding the Light

AUTHORS NOTES: This story is just about finished and the three parts have stretched to four! Each story should be complete in its own right. It's basically an AU of what might have happened if they hadn't been able to get Sam out of the computer in Entity and the effects of her experience. High Angst Warning!

Sam yawned, stretched and look at her watch. Her appointment with Dr. Fraiser was in another ten minutes....but she figured she might as well make a start towards the infirmary. It was vital she passed this check up...if Janet gave the all clear, Sam would be allowed off-world again. Albeit on strictly safe, scientific missions. Still, she had to be grateful for what she could get. Sam knew she was pushing herself, but there was nothing unusual in that....even if Jack didn't like it very much.

"You're early," Janet smiled when Sam appeared at her office door....two and a half minutes later.

"I know...couldn't wait," Sam replied.

"Hop up on a bed and let's get started."

Janet knew how important this was to her friend, and was prepared to be indulgent.

"Well?" Sam demanded as soon as the doctor had finished.

"Your blood pressure's a little high," Janet said. "And you're still slightly under weight."


"But I don't think it's a problem."

"Anything else?"

"You're in good shape...I guess all that exercise you're getting must be working wonders."

Sam blushed, but she answered lightly,

"There's nothing like the love of a good man."

"Yes....Jack is a good man."


"I'm jealous!"

Sam laughed. There were a lot of women on base who were a little envious. Whether he knew it or not, Jack had been considered one of the most eligible men on the base. If conversations in the locker room were anything to go by, more than one of the female personnel had wanted to find out what he kept in his fatigues. It was only now Sam appreciated the fact Jack had never seemed seriously interested in anyone other than herself.

"So?" she asked.

" can go off-world."

In a rare display of affection, Sam threw her arms around Janet. She was finding it difficult to hold back the tears.

"Hey," Janet grinned, "is everything okay?"

"It more than okay...I'm back Janet...I'm really back."

"You deserve it, you've worked so hard. What do you say we go out and celebrate, just you me and Cassie."

"Sure, Jack's going to be away for another couple of days. It'll be fun."

"Do you want to give the General the good news or shall I?"

"I'll do it."

Sam took her leave and made her way down to the General's office. With any luck he'd have something for her soon. She couldn't wait to walk on a new world, to look up and see strange stars. was probably the aspect of her life at the SGC she had missed the most. The only downside was the fact she was unlikely to be sent out with SG-1. Her relationship with Jack aside, their missions would probably be considered too dangerous. It would have been good to go out with the guys again.....what was her replacement's name? Oh yes, Brightman. Jack had been whinging about him yesterday morning....although that was probably because the man was young, bright and over enthusiastic. All good reasons for Jack to complain....he'd probably thought the same about her.

The 'gate was active when Sam walked into the control room. She couldn't stop herself pausing to stare. The sight never got old. She stood there, caught up in the ebb and flow of the liquid surface. Ripples flowed out from the centre of the pool, signally the advent of a traveller. Nothing came through. Sam frowned to herself. That shouldn't have happened, the wave-form was all wrong.

"Sergeant close the iris," she ordered.

Although she was no longer in a position to give orders the tone of her voice was enough to cause Davies to look up.

"Ma'am?" he questioned, "I've receive SG-14's iris code. They're clear to come through."

"Signal them, tell them to stay where they are, but get that iris closed!"

"But they're under fire."

"Is there a problem here?"

Sam turned to General Hammond,

"Something's wrong," she said.

"Be specific."

"I've been watching that 'gate for nearly five years and something's not right."

"Not good enough."


"The iris will stay open!"

As he spoke SG-14 bundled through the 'gate, firing into the event horizon. Sam turned to Hammond, imploring him, but the iris stayed open. The surface of the wormhole looked like a puddle in a rainstorm. She wasn't sure what was causing the effect, but she was certain it couldn't be good. Why wasn't the General doing anything?

"Sir?" she urged.

"Very well, doctor. Airman, close the iris," Hammond ordered....but only when the 'gate was calm again.


To say Jack was eager to be going home was probably the understatement of the year. He even helped Daniel pack up the rocks. The rest of the team had been fairly tolerant with him this week. After all, it was the longest he had been separated from Sam since she'd come out of hospital. It wasn't his fault he missed her. He'd just about gotten used to going on missions without her.....

"Brightman, get your ass in gear!" he yelled over his shoulder.

"Yes, Sir!" the younger man replied, hurrying to catch up.

Just one look at Brightman's eager face made Jack feel old. Kids...that's what he was expected to deal not the cool kind you could play baseball with either. Hmm...he wondered how Sam felt about having children. Now that was a happy thought.

"Jack?" Daniel interrupted his pleasant fantasy.

"What Daniel?"

"Could we slow down, I can't run with this stuff."

Jack hadn't realised he'd got so far ahead of the rest.

"I'd like to get back before nightfall....if you don't mind!" he snapped back.

"Someone's on a promise," Brightman muttered.

"I heard that!"


The innocent act didn't really work...especially considering the fact the other members of his team had huge grins on their faces.

"Okay, okay...I want to see pick up the pace before I get really cranky!"

They all sniggered. Wasn't a guy allowed to be eager to see his girlfriend? It wasn't like he was going to drop his pants and have sex with her in the gateroom, for crying out loud! His mood didn't improve when the rain started and Daniel insisted on stopping to re-pack his finds. As far as Jack was concerned, the lumps of stone had been pounded by the elements for thousands of years so half an hour in the rain wasn't going to bring about any lasting damage. He was certain it was all some plot to stop him getting home. Spending another night here was not an option. Besides, the local wildlife left a lot to be desired. Once the sun had set even the fish seemed to come out and party. He hadn't had a decent nights sleep since they got here....another reason for his bad mood. Sam was probably sleeping okay....she'd have his king-sized bed all to herself.

He really hated sleeping alone. It sucked big time.

Luckily for the rest of SG-1, they reached the Stargate just as the sun was setting. Jack waited impatiently as the rest of the team went through. No, he wouldn't miss this planet.....he flipped the empty air a salute before he took the final steps home.

Usually, Sam was waiting for him when he got back from a mission, but her absence from the gateroom didn't cause him any undue concern. He knew she'd been hoping to get clearance to go off world, if something had come up she would have jumped at the chance. That wasn't to say he didn't feel a certain sense of disappointment. Wherever she was, he hoped she'd be back soon. He didn't want to spend another night alone.

"Successful mission, Colonel?" Hammond asked.

"Yes, sir! We came, we saw and Daniel picked up some rocks......where's Sam?"

"If you'll come with me, Jack."


"This isn't something we should discuss here, if you'd step into my office."

Jack immediately got defensive.

"Where's Sam?" he demanded.

"Son, this is neither the time or the place...."

"The hell it is."

"Colonel, Dr. Carter had a relapse. She's in the Academy hospital, in Dr. McKenzie's care."

The room was suddenly silent. Feeling strangely numb, Jack handed his P90 to a SF and walked out. Footsteps told him Daniel was following, but the colonel wasn't in the mood to talk. Janet had been right....all this time....Sam....He imagined her alone and scared in the hospital.

He had to see her.

He had to see her now.

"Jack!" Daniel shouted after him.

Jack ignored his friend.

"What about the briefing?"

"Tell Hammond he can....reschedule. I'm going to see Sam."

"Want some company?"


But Daniel didn't seem to take the hint.

"I'll drive," he offered.


As it turned out, Daniel driving was probably a good idea. Jack was distracted to say the least. What the hell had happened? Sam had been fine for months. Sure she'd had her ups and downs, but she'd been able to cope perfectly well on her own. On reflection, he probably should have waited around for Hammond's explanation....but that paled in importance compared with his need to see Sam.

The staff at the hospital weren't to keen to let him in, but he made enough of an ass of himself to change their minds....or maybe it was Daniel's calm rational request...whatever. Eventually he was taken to the room where Sam was. He'd been here before, that time when Daniel had been infected by Machello's weapon. Jack had hated it then...he hated it even more with Sam
as the inhabitant.

"We've have her on some pretty strong drugs," McKenzie advised. "Be prepared."

Jack couldn't manage anything other than a curt nod. The doctor unlocked the door and stood back allowing the man inside. Sam was there....Sam was there, but she wasn't the woman Jack remembered. She had crammed herself into the corner of the padded room. Her hair was dirty, her clothes rumpled, her face seemed twisted somehow....the disfigurement was exaggerated by her dishevelled condition.

"Hey Sam, honey?" Jack began.

She didn't respond. Her gaze was fixed on the middle distance, somewhere over his left shoulder.

"Sam," he tried again, "It's me, Jack."

Her body started to tremble. Jack longed to take her in his arms, but she seemed to shrink even further away from him. Trying to ignore her reticence, he reached out and touched her.



She went off into an incoherent stream of words, shouting, screaming. Jack couldn't understand what she was saying.

"Sam calm down. what are you trying to tell me."

If anything her words became even less distinct. As Jack watched she started clutching at herself, pulling at the clothes she wore, tearing at her hair. From his perspective it looked as if she was frustrated, annoyed by her inability to communicate. McKenzie seemed to think different. He summoned two nurses who caught hold of Sam, holding her down until he could administer a shot. Sam clamed down as the drugs entered her system. She calmed down, but she wasn't talking anymore. They propped her up in her corner, her eyes vacant, her mouth slack. Only now could Jack get close to her. He took Sam in his arms, cradling her body against his own. There was no response, but he did it anyway....holding her close until they made him go home.


Evil....evil....evil .

She'd felt it as soon as it had come through the 'gate. No one believed her. She'd practically gone down on her knees, begging for the General to listen....but he paid no attention. Sam couldn't help wondering if he wouldn't have listened to the old Carter. The one who wasn't mentally and physically disabled. She only had vague memories of how she'd ended up here. All she recalled was the desperate necessity of getting her message across. Maybe she'd yelled a little....

and Hammond had ordered Janet to sedate her....

and they'd restrained her.....


Jack had been here. She remembered.

It was like looking at something under water, muggy, indistinct. He'd been her, but he'd gone away again. She'd got angry, started shouting and they'd drugged her again. Stupid....stupid.....stupid. She was supposed to be smart so she had to find another way....another way out of here.

If she kept quiet and behaved well, they'd cut her drugs, then maybe she'd have her chance. Even so, where would she go? It didn't matter. She had to get out first. Get out....get out...get out.

Jack came to see her again. How many days? She responded to him as well as she was able, even though her instincts screamed. How much danger he was in, she couldn't even begin to guess. She searched his face looking for some sign, but all she could see was weariness. He didn't stay long. Sam found herself wondering if Jack was just tired of their relationship...and all the time he had to spend taking care of her.

They moved her to a private room, with her own bed and her own lock on the door. Sam found herself slipping into a dangerous region where she didn't care. Institutional life was easy. They fed her, gave her drugs to keep her happy....she didn't have to think....The only thing she had to look forward to were the visits from Jack. At first he came every day....then every other day....then once a week. And Sam was even more determined to get out.

Her chance came four weeks after she had first been admitted.....and all due to a stupid accident. She slipped in the bathroom. One of the other patients must have been in there just before and had splashed water around. Although some attempt had been made to wipe it up, Sam managed to skid on a spot which had been missed. She pitched forwards and hit her head on the sink. The bang on the head was enough to knock her out for a few seconds, and there was blood, a lot of blood. Despite the injury, Sam managed to force herself to think clearly. She knew they'd be take her down to the Emergency Room...where the security was laughable. Sam pretended to be more woozy than she actually felt....enough to make her warders drop their guard.

They took her down on a gurney, leaving her in the corridor while they arranged for an x-ray. It was only for a few seconds....but long enough for Sam to roll off of the bed. There was a fire exit nearby and she staggered towards it, hoping it led directly outside. Crashing through the door, she found herself in the parking lot. Sam stood there for a moment, not knowing which way to turn. It was dark out here, cold....the surface painful on her bare feet. Her first instinct was to run, but that way she'd only draw more attention to herself. She hurried towards the road, wishing she had something to wear other than hospital scrubs.

What she needed was a place to hide, at least until morning. They'd expect her to run..... How much time did she have? How late was it? Should she try and hitch a lift or should she walk all the way to Colorado Springs? However, it was Sam's turn to be lucky for a second time. As she was making her way through the last of the cars she saw a very familiar truck parked up by the gate. She breathed a prayer as she tried the door. Locked. Not unsurprising. But there was a tarp in the back covering Jack's stash of fishing gear and Sam crawled gratefully underneath. Before long she heard footsteps go past, through a gap in the tarp she caught the glow of a
flashlight. Sam curled herself up as small as she could. If they started poking around.... Someone twitched to corner of the tarpaulin, pulling it back just far enough to see Jack's bait box. Then the bright light disappeared and Sam heard footsteps moving away.

It was getting colder by the moment. Whatever Jack was doing in there, he was taking his time. As the adrenaline buzz faded, Sam realised she was starting to feel sick. She lay in the back of the truck, wanting nothing more than to throw up....which wouldn't exactly make her popular. God, her drugs were due, no wonder she was feeling so crap. They'd had her on them long enough so she was bound to experience some withdrawal. Where was Jack? If her brain had still been working logically Sam would have realised that she was the reason he was taking so long. She just wanted to go home.

Home...Home....With those thoughts she let herself drift off to sleep.

When she woke up it was light outside....and she was no longer in the hospital parking lot. The truck was now outside Jack's house. Stiff with cold, Sam climbed out. She almost fell to her knees as her feet touched the ground, barely able to walk. Her head hurt....why?....Oh yeah, she'd hit her head. Jack...she had to get inside...warn him....

Judging by the quality of the light, it must have been early morning. Besides there was no one around. Sam had lived here long enough to know her neighbours habits and frisking around in the morning dew didn't feature highly. So she was safe for a while. Sam crept around to the back of the house, digging Jack's spare key out of the flower pot on the deck . She half expected some heavily built nurse to stop her, but no one jumped out of the bushes as she let herself in. The house was quiet, a little messier than she'd left it, but essentially unaltered. Which shouldn't of surprised her as much as it did. Had she really expected Jack to ditch her at the first opportunity? It was just, with his visits becoming less frequent....

Sam crept through to the bedroom, hoping to find Jack. He was there, sprawled over the bed, still in his clothes. His faced was scrunched into the pillow and he was drooling. Sam wanted nothing more than to crawl in beside him, but she resisted the urge. She didn't know how safe it was to stay here....or how far she could trust Jack. For all she knew he had been compromised. So, as much as she hated herself, she couldn't afford to stay.

Moving quietly through the room, she picked up all the things she'd need and stuffed them into a bag. Seeing Jack's wallet on the beside table, she also took all the cash he had...figuring she could pay him back some time. She changed her clothes in the guest bathroom, stuffing her hospital scrubs into the laundry basket. It would be at least a week before Jack thought to do any laundry. He only tended to think of it when he ran out of underwear. She left the house as quietly as she had entered. The street was still quiet. No one was witness to her departure.

Sam went home, to her house. It was the only safe place she could think of. She wanted somewhere she could rest, decide exactly what she should do.

She took a taxi, unable to stomach the thought of walking that far. Sleep was foremost on her mind. She couldn't do anything else until she had rested.....and got the last of those damn drugs out of her system. Her house was reassuringly quiet. It was still early enough for the neighbours to be safely inside their houses. It wouldn't do for anyone to see her entering what was supposed to be an empty house...or maybe they'd just think she'd come back to water the plants. Thank God she had been earning enough to start paying the bills again. Even though the house was cold it wouldn't take long for the heating to kick in. She dumped her bag in the hallway and went straight to bed.

There was something very comforting about being in her own bed, even though it had been so long since she had slept there. She buried herself in the pillows, wrapping the quilt around her body. Just a couple of hours, then she'd think about getting into Cheyenne mountain.

Within two minutes she was sleeping.



Jack sat up in bed, suddenly wide awake. He could have been certain....but Sam wasn't there. He ran his hands through his hair, trying to dispel the last traces of his nightmare. Waking up wasn't a great deal better. His phone hadn't rung so, as far as he knew, Sam was still missing. He'd spent hours at the hospital last night, yelling at anyone he could find. The level of incompetence took his breath away. Sam took the first chance she had to get out of there and she was smart enough to know how to evade any search. His one hope was that, wherever she was, Sam was safe. He hated to think of her outside somewhere, cold and alone. In the condition she was in she could easily fall prey to any sicko who happened to find her.

He was due in to the base today, but Jack wondered if he shouldn't just go out and try to find Sam. But then again, she had been so sure there was something wrong at the SGC, it was likely to be her first port of call. He had no doubt she could find a way inside if she really wanted to. Nobody had thought to change any access codes when Sam had been committed. The only thing working against her would be her physical condition.

When he got to the base, everyone seemed to have heard about Sam. Janet was the first one to come up to him with her version of 'I told you so'. Jack wasn't really in the mood to listen. His temper had been growing progressively worse over the past few weeks. Most people were avoiding him. He stalked through the corridors, heading towards Hammond's office, deliberately not making eye contact with anyone. In fact, most of the base personnel were actively jumping out of the way.....a little too enthusiastically in Sergeant Siler's case.

If he'd have been paying attention, he would have seen the blonde woman in fatigues and a cap, who darted out of sight as he passed. He would have noted the slight hesitation in her walk and the strip of band aid on her forehead. The way she seemed to reach out to him and then stop. All of these things escaped Jack's attention.

"Any news?" Hammond asked the second Jack knocked on the door.

"No," Jack admitted, "she could be anywhere by now. I never should have let them take her away. It was a mistake the first time and it sure as hell didn't get any better the second."

"You saw her Jack."

"I know...but it doesn't make it any easier."

Jack was silent for a few moments, trying to decide how to frame his next words. He knew he had to say something about where he thought Sam was headed. She posed a security risk.....

"Sir," he began, "she may be coming to the SGC."


"She's pretty convinced there's something here, sir. If I were her, it's what I'd do."

"I'll put the base on alert but aside from that...."

"Change the access codes. Sam has them all and it's not like she won't remember."

"You think she could be a threat?"

"I don't know."

That was the honest truth. The old Sam, the major, could have been a serious problem, but the new person was unpredictable. Jack wasn't quite certain of the best way to handle her.

"I'll see to it," Hammond reassured him.

Jack didn't really feel that good about himself as he took his leave of the general. He supposed he should go and apologise to Janet. She had been great through all of this and she hardly deserved to be yelled at. His mind was so occupied as he walked through the control room. There was that blonde officer again, bent over the computer.

He was a dozen steps down the corridor when realisation finally dawned. Jack headed back up the steps only to find himself facing the wrong end of a zat gun.

"Sam?" he gasped.

She wouldn't zat him, would she? The next thing he knew he was flat on his back, staring at the ceiling. Sam bent down for a second, her fingers finding his pulse and checking he was okay....then she headed into the Gateroom. Trying to shake off the effects of the zat, Jack struggled to his feet. He lost a layer of skin as he squeezed his way past the armoured door.

Sam was standing in front of the active gate. Slowly backing towards it, covering the guards with her zat. None of the SF's seemed to know what to do. Sam was in such poor shape it was a miracle she'd gotten this far.

"Sir?" one of the men questioned.

"I'll handle this sergeant," Jack said. "Sam? Sam, honey, put the zat down. Let's talk about....woah!"

She'd fired again and the beam had narrowly missed his head. The last thing Jack wanted was to order those men to open fire, it looked as if Sam may not give him the choice. If he could get her zat......

"I'm sorry, Jack," she said.

Her eyes seemed completely rational.....

"It's here," she told him, "All around us."

"Sam, there's nothing here."

"You can't see it.....I have to go."

What the hell was she talking about? Jack looked carefully around the gateroom. There was nothing out of the ordinary....apart from the blonde with the zat. He turned back towards her, then he saw something. A shadow moved at the edge of his vision, but when he moved to take a closer look there was nothing there. A shiver seemed to pass through his body.

He wanted to say something, to tell Sam that maybe she wasn't nuts, but before his mouth could form the words, one of the SFs raised his gun. Jack hurled himself towards the man, but he couldn't stop him. The gun fired and a bullet tore its way into Sam's shoulder. She was knocked off her feet by the force of the impact. Down but by no means out, Sam pulled herself to her feet and stumbled towards the gate.

The shadow flickered at edge of Jack's vision and a second man raised his gun. This time Jack didn't seem to be able to do anything about it. His body no longer seemed to be obeying his commands.

"Sam look out!" he managed to yell, but whether the scream was audible he couldn't say. The man fired and the second bullet grazed Sam's thigh. She stumbled again, but somehow managed to keep upright. Jack felt his heart cheer as she staggered the last couple of steps to the gate and disappeared.

Sam fell rather than walked through the Stargate. She hit the ground hard on the other side, lying there for a few seconds, unable to move. Behind her head the event horizon evaporated and Sam knew she had to move. They'd be after her in seconds if she didn't do something. Hauling herself to her feet, Sam stumbled her way to the DHD, automatically dialling the symbols for Earth. While the wormhole was established they wouldn't be able to come after she had thirty-eight minutes make good her escape.

Easier said than done.

There was blood leaking out of her shoulder, more dribbling down her thigh. Of all the eventualities he had considered she had never thought that anyone would get as far as shooting her. Especially not when Jack was in the room. She was pretty mad at him for not being able to stop them, but she knew he hadn't had much of a choice.

She'd seen it the second she'd looked into the Gateroom. It had grown considerably in the time she had been absent. The black seething mass seemed to occupy one corner of the room. Sam couldn't look at it directly.....if she did she feared she'd be lost forever in darkness. She seen it move as she'd made her last desperate run towards the Stargate. A tendril had lashed out towards the SFs, towards Jack, wrapping itself around them....

Suddenly, Sam found herself heaving, emptying her stomach of the breakfast she'd managed to eat earlier. She sat on the steps leading up to the 'gate holding herself weakly, trying to force her body to move. Very slowly, Sam got to her feet and attempted to get her bearings. She had been to this world before, two years ago now, and her surroundings were familiar. This planet, Cimmeria, held something her own world did not; a direct link to the Asgard. All she had to do was find it.

Next to her Thor's Hammer reared into the sky, a symbol of this world's allegiance. Unfortunately for Sam since she was not a Goa'uld or a Jaffa, it would not serve her purpose. Her target lay deep within the surrounding forest; the monolith they had discovered on their second visit. All she had to do was find it, make her way through the labyrinth of tests and then she'd get to talk to Thor. Simple really. Assuming she didn't pass out from blood loss first. Glancing at her watch, Sam noted she'd already used three of her precious minutes. Removing her shirt, she tore off a couple of strips of material. She tied one around her thigh and another around her upper arm. It wasn't quite enough to stop the bleeding, but the flow slowed.

It was time to move.

Despite the seriousness of her situation, Sam couldn't help thrilling to the fact she was on another world. This was what her long, painful, rehabilitation had been for....the chance to walk again on other planets. It had been dark when she arrived and, as night fell, strange stars appeared in the sky. But Sam had little time to stop and stargaze. Her destination lay deep in the surrounding woods. She hoped her sense of direction was as good as it used to be.

She was seriously out of condition. Despite her injuries, she figured she shouldn't be feeling this bad. In truth, she had lost more blood than she realised. Her pant leg was soaked. If she'd been a different person she may have been tempted to give up. However, she was certain the threat to earth was more important than her personal safety. Even if Jack would probably yell at her when she got back...if she got back. Sam shivered. It was getting cold. Running through the woods in the dark wasn't one of her better ideas. Then again, it wasn't like anyone had given her much of a choice. No one had been willing to listen to a crazy woman. The first thing they had done was lock her up and throw away the key.

The darkness had never scared her....but now...out here, alone and unprotected, she was terrified. She had always been able to defend herself, but Sam found herself wondering if she still knew how. Her abilities were being sorely tested. She was tired, in a considerable amount of pain and, she realised, she had absolutely no idea where she was. This all looked so different in the dark. Sam was starting to realise she should have gone to the village first.....Local knowledge would have been a benefit. She was definitely losing her edge.

She stumbled onwards, not feeling the branches which snapped back in her face, the undergrowth which entangled her legs. Her exhaustion was forgotten as she fought her way forwards with single minded determination. She barely registered any further pain.

However hard she fought, however hard she struggled, she could only achieve what her body would allow. Eventually, it would no longer function as she required. Sam collapsed just short of her destination. Her hand stretched out towards the monument.


"Permission to go after her, sir?" Jack demanded.

Hammond appeared to hesitate,

"I don't know, Jack. Under the circumstances I'm not certain your impartiality can be relied upon. Dr. Carter needs to be any means necessary," he replied.

"It won't come to that, sir. She was injured. Sam....Dr. Carter won't get far."

Jack tried to believe his own words, but he knew how tenacious Sam could be. If he was forced to shoot her...They'd take zats. In her present condition she was unlikely to be able to recover quickly from the blast. He had enough trouble, on a good day, and Sam was way smaller than him.

"Sir, this is my fault. I could have stopped her in the Gateroom. Give me a chance here," he finished.

"Very well, SG-1 you have a go," Hammond nodded.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Jack led the way out of the briefing room. Sam wouldn't have a chance if SG-3 were sent after her.

"Jack, are you sure this is such a good idea?" Daniel asked.

"Someone has to bring her back, Daniel, and I'd rather it was me," Jack answered.

"What I meant was....Sam always has a good reason for her actions. She may have a good reason."

"Daniel, you didn't see her at the hospital. Something in her head isn't working right."

It was painful to admit, but Jack had to tell his friends the truth about Sam. He'd tried to deny there was anything wrong, but he guessed he'd always known....deep down. Sam was sick. She needed help and he'd only exacerbated the situation by taking her away from care before she had been ready.....forcing a relationship on her....speeding her eventual breakdown. He had to make things right again, bring her back and make certain she had the treatment she so obviously needed. Letting her come back to work hadbeen a huge mistake. Jack had the suspicion something here had sent her back over the edge, something she had not been prepared to deal with.

"Why do you think DoctorCarter has returned to Cimmeria?" Teal'c asked.

"Don't know....unless she wants a direct line to Thor...." Jack replied.

"That's it!" Daniel cut him off.

"Come again?"

"Sam, thinks there's something wrong here and she's tried to contact the people she thinks can help."

"Or, she's trying to get back at Thor for doing this to her in the first place?"

"Who's Thor?" Brightman asked.

"Little grey guy, would love to come fishing.....Whatever Sam's reasons our job is to bring her back. "

"And what if she doesn't want to come back?" Daniel questioned.

"I think we all know what that means."

"You'd do that?"

"Yes, I would, Daniel. "

And he'd done a lot worse. Jack was still convinced it wouldn't come to that. But if it did....There were still ways to disable her.

They had to wait before they could step through the gate. Sam had dialled up and incoming wormhole, giving her a considerable head start. There were certain parts of her mind which still seemed to be functioning perfectly well. Which probably made her more dangerous. God, he hated having to think of Sam this way. She wasn't the enemy, she was the woman he loved.

Almost consciously, Jack felt that part of his mind close off. He could no longer think of her that way.....not if he was going to have any chance of stopping her. This was something Daniel would have difficulty understanding. Jack could only hope the younger man would forgive him when they brought Sam home. And they would bring her home....

"Which way?" Jack asked Teal'c as they finally stepped out onto the surface of Cimmeria.

The man paused on the steps below the gate, sniffing the air, or so it seemed. He then bent down and studied the ground.

"She rested here," he said. "There is blood, O'Neill."

"And then?"

"This way."

Blood. They were following a trail of Sam's blood. How badly had she actually been injured? The details of the brief fight in the gateroom were distinctly hazy. What if she was dying?

"I thought she would have headed towards the village," Jack heard himself say.

"Not if she wants to contact Thor," Daniel argued.

"Come again?"

"Remember when we went looking for the weapon that never was?"


"The artefact we touched was somewhere in that direction."

"You think you could find it again?"


"You think Sam could?"

"Without a doubt."

For some reason Daniel's words made Jack feel a little better.

Teal'c led the way into the trees, moving silently as always. Jack followed close behind, marvelling at how easily his friend seemed to pick up the trail. Then again, Sam probably wasn't going out of her way to hide her path. She would be relying on her head start.

"Teal'c?" Jack questioned when the other man paused for a second.

"DoctorCarter halted here," Teal'c replied.


"This way."

"Seem right to you, Daniel?"

"Yes, she's still heading towards the artefact," Daniel replied.

Jack was tempted to call out, but he didn't want her to panic. He wanted to find her and take her home. Brightman had an itchy trigger finger, and Jack wanted to make sure Sam didn't end up on the wrong end of another bullet.

"We're close," Daniel warned.

"Okay....we go in with Zats....." Jack ordered.

"Sir?" Brightman questioned.

"Sam is hardly in any condition to cause us trouble. We don't actually want to hurt her, Captain."



Fumbling a little, the young man drew his zat. Jack shook his head, they should have left Brightman back at home.

"There!" Teal'c hissed.

Between the trees, Jack could just about make out the monument and huddled at the base a dark shape which could only be Sam. Raising his hand, he signalled the rest of the team to hang back. Slowly, carefully, Jack approached her still form. Her face was turned upwards, her pale hair gleaming in the moonlight. He knelt beside her,

"Sam....? Sam honey, it's Jack. We've come to take you home."

Her eyes flickered open at the sound of his voice.

"Jack?" she slurred.

"Yeah, can you walk?"

"Thor....need Thor, Jack."

"You'll be fine when we get you back to the SGC."



What was meant to be calm reasonable words were suddenly lost in a yell of pain. Sam had kicked him squarely in the groin. As Jack dropped to the ground, she struggled to her feet, her hands reaching out towards the monument. Her fingers touched the stone in the centre of the cross and
suddenly, she wasn't there any more.

Jack could do nothing but lie on his back, fighting back the tears. All he could think of was how pissed Sam must be with him.

"I thought you said she wasn't dangerous?" Was Brightman's comment as he helped the stricken man to his feet.

"Daniel what happens if we go after her?" Jack asked, ignoring the previous question.

"There are a couple of tests...." Daniel replied.

"Can you guide us through?"

"I guess so."

"Yes or no, Daniel."



The ground shook beneath her feet, Sam fought to keep her balance, swearing to herself. When she finally got to speak to Thor she was going to ask hi if all this was really necessary. She'd been through these dumb tests once, it wasn't really necessary to do it again. As expected the floor in front of her vanished, leaving the narrow walkway. Sam was tempted to step out into the abyss, but she couldn't be sure what would actually happen. Last time it had proved to be an illusion, but only after Daniel had risked his life. The others would be right behind her and Sam knew she couldn't afford to hesitate too long.

Taking a deep breath she started along the narrow walkway. Her balance was shot to pieces and she soon realised she was going to have to get down on her hands an knees and crawl. Trying to ignore the pain of her injuries, she did just that. She had passed the point of exhaustion a long time ago. God only knew where she was finding the strength to crawl forwards. It wasn't the fastest method, but at least it was effective. Reaching the other side, she lay flat on her face for a few seconds, before using the monument on the other side to drag herself to her feet and move on to the next part of the test. At least this part was a hell of a lot easier.

She went straight to the required symbol and traced the radius on the circle.

"I am Thor.....Major Carter?"

It was the first time she had seen the alien look surprised.

"It's Doctor Carter now," Sam admitted.

"Why have you contacted the Asgard."

"We need your help...."


Jack's voice shocked her. For some reason she hadn't expected them to be so close behind her. Stupid....Daniel knew the way as well as she did.

"O'Neill," Thor acknowledged.

"Sam's sick," Jack went on. "We've come to take her home."

"No Thor!" Sam protested. "You have help me."

"Come on Sam," Daniel was at her side, trying to take her arm. Sam shook him away. Brightman joined him, grabbing her other arm.

"There's something there!" she shouted.

With the last of her strength she fought them, forcing them to defend themselves. Finally Teal'c had to step in, grasping her wrists in one large hand. Jack, she noted, had stood by watching, indecision creasing his face. When she was finally immobilised, he came forward, cradling her in his arms. Sam couldn't fight anymore. She was drifting in and out of consciousness, barely making out the words which were spoken.

"I am sorry O'Neill," Thor said.

"It isn't your fault. You were only trying to help."

"Does she tell the truth."

"To be honest...I have no idea. We'd better get her home. If we do find anything, we'll give you a call."

"Very well."

Jack scooped her up in his arms.

"Dark," she heard herself whisper, "Black, dark...."

"It's okay, honey, you're going to be okay."

Sam blacked out....missing the alarmed expression on Thor's face.


"Medic! I need a medic!" Jack yelled the second they re-materialised.

His clothes were coated with blood...Sam's blood. She felt so weak in his arms, he couldn't believe she could....

"Where's the damn medic!"

He could barely feel her breathing. What was keeping them......Then the lights went out. Jack hugged Sam even closer, wondering what the hell was going on. Everything was black. The emergency lights weren't kicking in, the computers were down.....Despite himself, Jack felt a tendril of fear wrap itself around his heart. He wanted to face the enemy head on, but that would mean letting go of Sam.

The darkness was complete, silent, cold. Jack soon found himself shivering, clutching Sam tighter in an effort to take some of her warmth. For the first time in his adult life, he actually wanted to scream. Someone in the room did......then he felt it....something crawling over his flesh. He almost dropped Sam, in his effort to get away from whatever it was. Stumbling down the ramp, he collided with something....or make that someone. He figured it had to be Teal'c. No one else on the base was quite that large. His balance upset, Jack found himself dropping to his knees. He managed to set Sam down as he fell, protecting her body with his own.

There were shouts and screams all around him. Things...crawling.....crawling.....he was barely keeping control of his own voice. He wanted to run, but he couldn't leave Sam. If only someone would switch on a light. This would be so much easier if he could tell exactly what was happening.

Then there was light.

The Stargate sprang into life, bathing the room with blue. Jack looked around, taking in the scared faces of his companions. Beneath him, Sam stirred,

"What's happening?" her weak voice asked.

"It's okay baby...It'll be okay," Jack tried to reassure her.

She struggled and Jack realised his weight was hurting her. He shifted sideways, his attention riveted on the open Stargate. For an age, nothing happened. Jack was torn between his need to get Sam some medical attention and the fact he was too scared to move. He couldn't understand why. There was nothing here....nothing. Or so he kept telling himself.

The event horizon rippled, indicating the advent of a traveller and suited small figures stepped onto the ramp. It took Jack several seconds to realise they were asgard. Sam seemed to relax against him....but then he realised she'd passed out again. Moving forward, the asgard spread out through the Gateroom. They had some kind of weapons with them, but from his prone position, Jack couldn't work out what they were. They gathered around one corner of the Gateroom, aiming their weapons upwards. He couldn't see what they were aiming at but he knew the second they fired.

He was hit by something, the fact he was already on the ground probably saved him from being thrown across the Gateroom. Even Teal'c took a brief unaided fight. They fired again....and Jack felt his body being pummelled for a second time. He could actually see the bruises appearing on his skin. God only knew what it was doing to Sam. He tried to protect her once more, but he couldn't move. What the hell was happening?

Someone must have hit the alarm, because the next thing Jack knew, the room was seething with SF's.

"Stand down!" he yelled. "That's an order!"

As much as he was unnerved by what was happening, he trusted the asgard, and didn't want to see any of them hurt.

"Sir?" one of them questioned.

"Get the medics!"

Whether his order was carried out or not, Jack never knew. The asgard fired again and he felt himself lose consciousness.

He couldn't tell how long he was out of it. When he came round he was still on the ramp, his face pressed uncomfortably into the grating.


Jack just grunted.

"O'Neill?" the voice repeated.

Whoever it was wouldn't go away and Jack cautiously pulled himself upright. Everything hurt. He immediately looked towards Sam....but she was surrounded by the medical staff.

"I am sorry if we have caused you any discomfort."

It was Thor talking. Jack could tell by.....well he just knew.

"What happened?" Jack managed to ask.

"We answered Dr. Carter's summons."

"Why? I mean....she was right?"


Jack looked over at her.

"What was it?"

"A parasite, it travelled to your world through the Stargate."


"Yes. It needs to protect itself and as such can exert a powerful influence over your species. Fortunately the Asgard are immune."

"Why couldn't we see it?"

"For the same reason the Reetou remain invisible."

That was enough to make Jack's head hurt. Dimly he heard Hammond's voice and the order for everyone to report to the infirmary.

"Thor?" the general enquired. "Will you be able to stay for the debriefing?"


"If you would follow me."

Jack decided to follow the general's other order and report to the infirmary....since that was where Sam was headed. The debriefing could wait.


Sam lay in her bed, face to the wall. She kept her eyes shut, not wanting to talk to anyone. Jack was at her bedside, he'd been there for hours. Eventually, she have to take some notice. If she didn't...God only knew where she'd end up. She'd have to go through the motions of pretending everything was normal, while inside.....They hadn't trusted her. After everything she'd done, everything she'd been through.... there had been a time when no one would have questioned her word. they looked at her face, heard her voice, but took no notice of what she had to say. As far as Sam was concerned, Hammond had treated her just as badly as the girl in the 7-11. He was the one she really blamed for this....and Jack.

He hadn't trusted her. Not when it counted. He had let himself be swayed by everyone else's opinion. This was the man who was supposed to be in love with her.....who was supposed to fight for her. He should have gotten her out of that place.

She had been right and that was the hardest thing of all. The parasite had been mindless, or so Thor had told them. They had come across these things on many worlds, creatures that were able to feed on the life energy of humans. As near as Sam had been able to understand from the asgard's description. They could be a little hazy sometimes. How or why she had been able to sense it was still a mystery. Janet blamed Jolinar, whilst Thor had suspected the changes her brush with the Entity had made to her brain chemistry. But there was a third option....Thor himself may have been responsible, when he had 'healed' her. In which, case she supposed she
should be grateful to him.

Earth had been saved again....big deal. It all meant nothing without the trust of the people she loved. Maybe this was another sign of her depression, in which case it was dangerous. Rolling onto her back, Sam opened her eyes. It took Jack several seconds to realise and she had time to look at him properly. He looked tired, that much was given, but the lines of his guilt also stood out. How could they maintain this relationship when he didn't trust her? When a large proportion of the emotion he was feeling was guilt?

Or was it more the fact her confidence had been given a knock and she couldn't trust herself anymore. Okay, so she'd been right this time, but what happened the next?

"Hey," she whispered.

"Hey," he replied, his face breaking into a smile.

"You should get some sleep."

"I have. You have no idea how comfortable this chair can be."

He stood, bending forward to kiss her. Sam felt herself tense and she pulled back.

"What?" he asked.

She shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Jack."

"Okay, have I missed something here?"

"You didn't trust me. You left me to rot in that place."

"Woah Sam!"

Her repressed anger exploded with those words. Angry tears started to fall down her face.

"I tried to tell you and you wouldn't listen!"

"I didn't know, Sam. I didn't know."

"But you know me! That should have been enough!"

He looked completely devastated by her words, and Sam's tears turned to remorse. She wished she could say it didn't matter, but it did.

"Please go," she told him.


"I don't want you here. If you don't I'll tell Janet."

"For cryin' out loud Sam, you're not making sense. Do you want a sedative or something."

"No I don't. No more drugs."

That was everyone's first response. Give her a sedative and make her happy.

"No more!" she repeated.

"What the hell's going on here?" Janet demanded.

"Sam's upset," Jack was quick to explain.

"Get him out of here, Janet," Sam said.

"Sir, you'd better go," Janet told him.



With very bad grace, Jack made his way to the door, but he hung around until Janet made towards her phone...indicating she would find someone to throw him out if necessary.

"Thanks," Sam said. Grateful that someone would listen to her.

Janet handed her a Kleenex so she could blow her nose.

"Mind telling me what that was about?" she asked.

"I need to get out of here," Sam admitted.

"Couple more days and...."

"No, far away."


"I have to go."


Sam placed the last item of clothing in her bag and pulled the zipper shut. As hard as this was she had to do it....before she changed her mind. She checked her purse...the plane ticket was there, along with the address of the accommodation. All she had to do now was call a cab and she'd be out of here. She wasn't going to cry. She wasn't. All her tears had fallen during that last argument with Jack. He hadn't been near her since. He'd taken her at her word....which was how it should be.

This was harder than she'd expected. After everything that had happened, she had thought it would be easy to walk away, but it wasn't.....not by any stretch of the imagination. Yet her resolve was still strong. She needed to go....she needed to be where people didn't know her. If she could make a success of her life somewhere else, then maybe she'd think about coming back.

A sequel is on the soon as I've thought up a title :):)

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