Story Notes: Author - C. French aka Peterpan

Email -

Category - Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Romance, Humor, Missing Scene/Epilogue

Pairings - Jack/Sam; Daniel/Janet

Archive - S&J


"Sir? What's wrong? It's 3 a.m.," Sam responded in a cold sweat. She knew from experience that calls like this were never good news.

"Carter, I just got a call from Area 51. Hammond had the alternate reality mirror stored there. It had been scheduled for destruction, but Kinsey's little group interfered with those plans. You'll never guess who just came through the mirror."

Sam groaned and rolled her eyes as she responded, "Please, sir, tell me it's not me."

The General couldn't help laughing out loud. He knew how difficult the last visitor from the alternate reality had been on the Col. It had been equally difficult for him. "You're safe on that count, Carter. In fact, you are going to love this visitor. And I don't think we have to worry about that cascading thingy."

Sam sat bolt upright in her bed. It couldn't be, but she couldn't help hoping against hope that it was."Sir, please tell me it's Janet."

"You've got it, Carter, I'm pleased to tell you it is Janet," he replied.

For once the news was good. And even more shocking was that the General was correct, the temporal entropic cascade would not be an issue, since their Janet had been killed. "Sir, when can I see her?"

"Be at the base at 0800. Janet will arrive shortly after that. She asked to speak to General Samantha Carter O'Neill when she was first spotted at Area 51. Sounds like this might be another reality that we haven't seen. I'm not sure I'm looking forward to hearing about that reality, but I am looking forward to seeing Janet as much as you are, Carter," Sam could hear the tender smile Jack had on his face over the phone. She knew that Jack and Janet's friendship was as special as her own friendship with Janet.

"Thank you for the good news, sir! I'll be at the base by 0730. Good night, sir" Sam said as she hung up the phone.

She couldn't go back to sleep. Her mind replayed the day that Janet died. Jack had been hurt. Sam had been afraid that she would lose Jack. It never occurred to her that she might lose Janet that day. She had often hoped that Daniel and Janet would get together. She realized just how much Daniel cared about Janet that day. He was devastated, but then again, they all were. Janet wasn't just a doctor, she wasn't just a friend; she was a part of their family. They had all sacrificed having families. Therefore, they had all become one big family to overcome the void. Funny, they seldom talked about it, but she wouldn't have survived the loneliness of this job without this family. They had all tried at different times to have a "normal family". Pete. Poor, Pete. She knew she had never been fair to him. How wrong she had been to believe that she could be happy with any besides the General. She measured every man she ever met against him. No one would ever be able to measure up. He pretended to be dumb, but she knew better. He was brilliant, though he would never agree. She might be the one to save them with knowledge of the techno babble, but he saved them with a military strategy that even her father respected, and Jacob hadn't respected many men. How wrong she had been when she was hallucinating about her father when she was alone on the Prometheus. When he died he made it clear that Jack was his first choice.

Why hadn't she told him that Jack would always be her first choice? She had known since she had been hit with that nasty virus and had tried to seduce the then Colonel. She had been injured, and he was worried about her having a scar. How often she had wanted to put on that shirt and go see him on a day off. How often she had wanted to go fishing with him. How often she had wanted to pour out her heart to Janet.

But Sam never shared her true feelings with anyone. Well, that wasn't exactly true, but it was rare. Janet knew, but they never talked about it; regulations. It was not just Jack and Sam that had left their declarations in that room, Janet and Teal'c had as well. But General Hammond had known. There were times that Sam thought that he had wanted them to be able to get together as badly as she wanted it.

And what hurt the most was knowing that there were alternate realities where they were together. She understood the need for the regulations in normal units, but there was nothing normal about what their team did. They couldn't tell their families about their lives. There was no way to have a real relationship with anyone outside of the SGC. She had tried. There was too much you couldn't share. And sharing was everything in a relationship. Why couldn't someone see and understand.

She and Jack had both thought about retiring, but how could either one of them. Being together would mean nothing if they couldn't have a family. How could they bring a child into the world knowing what they knew? She could just see Anubis or Ba'al going after "Jack, Jr." just to get back at them. No, until the Goa'uld threat was completely eliminated, the thought of retiring was out of the question for either one of them. There was only one person she wanted watching her back and only one person she trusted to watch his. Well, Daniel and Teal'c would always be there, but the four of them had developed a sixth sense working together. Jonas was sweet, and the only person that had ever managed to work with the team, but it wasn't the same. Sam was grateful that Jack had not forced a fourth person on them since he had become General.

Sam was sinking into a funk, something she was doing more and more often since she broke it off with Pete. Her relationship with the General was better than it ever had been. They were at least showing each other how they felt but even in the middle of the night, when she was alone in her bed thinking about him, she still called him "General" or "Sir". She should be excited; she would be seeing Janet soon.

Cassie, she needed to make sure Cassie would be there. Cassie had missed Janet so much, as much as Sam had. If she left now, she could pick her up at the University of Denver and get back to the base before Janet got there.

Sam quickly jumped out of bed and showered. She was out the door in fifteen minutes.

The campus was crowded and Sam had to park several blocks from Cassie's dorm. As she turned the corner to walk up the building she almost ran into a very familiar figure. They both burst in giggles. "I should've known you would come and get Cassie, sir."

"And I should have told you I was coming," he agreed. Suddenly it hit him that he didn't want the Colonel to drive back to the base by herself or him by himself. "Carter, why don't we leave your car here and we'll all ride back to base together," he asked expectantly.

Sam smiled at the General. She loved the idea, but had an even better idea. "Sir, it is going to be a really long day. Cassie has a big test tomorrow, so we'll have to get here back tonight. Why don't I drive my car back now and we'll bring Cassie back together. Neither one of us has had much sleep; we can make sure the other doesn't go to sleep."

The General gave Sam the faint smile he reserved just for her when she came up with a brilliant idea. "That's a much better idea, Colonel," he replied.

They walked up to the dorm in companionable silence; both reveling in the comfort of just being together.

Cassie was shocked at the knock on her door. She had an early class, and she was well on her way to being ready. She was thrilled when she opened the door to see her two favorite people in the world there. She was also immediately concerned that maybe something had happened to Daniel or Teal'c. When you grew up around the SGC, you lived prepared for bad news. She pulled both of them to her in a huge three way hug. Sam and Jack secretly loved these hugs, because it gave them a chance to have close contact without raising any eyebrows. Cassie was no fool. She realized how much they loved it and always made sure it was a long hug. Then she stepped back looking deep into each dear face, "What's wrong?" she asked without hesitation as she pulled them into her room. She realized this might be a conversation that should not be over heard.

Jack looked embarrassed and turned to Carter. "Cassie," Sam began, "do you remember the mirror that allowed us to go to alternate realities?"

Cassie was already shaking her head yes. "Mom was really freaked out when the 'other' Samantha Carter came through the mirror." Cassie could not resist the knowing smile, what really freaked Janet out was that Sam and Jack had been married. She had begun to suspect that our Sam and Jack had feelings for each other and she was concerned about the affect it would have on them.

Sam couldn't help but think that Cassie knew way too much. She shook her head gently trying to shake off the feeling as she continued, "Well, we got a call from Area 51 this morning that a Dr. Janet Frasier."

Before Sam could finish, Cassie had started jumping up and down, "I can't believe it, Mom came through the mirror??? Are you here to take me to see her? Can we leave now?"

Sam and Jack shared an indulgent smile over Cassie's excitement. They had been surrogate parents since Janet's death. Not that Cassie really needed them, she was an adult, but they had acted as surrogate parents even when Janet was alive. They would have loved to have raised Cassie together, but there were the regs and the fact that they were always off world. It wouldn't have been fair to Cassie. Jack pulled Cassie toward the door, "Let's go. Would you like to ride back with the Colonel or with me?"

Cassie raised an eyebrow and then frowned, "What? Oh, you mean? Ya'll didn't come together?"

Sam and Jack laughed. They should have known Cassie would have fun with this one. "No, we each foolishly set out alone to come get you. We ran into each other outside your dorm," Jack grinned.

Sam was still in a funk, and although Cassie would have expelled it, Sam wasn't ready for the funk to be expelled. "Cassie, ride back with Jack. I know you have the big Physics exam tomorrow. We'll ride back together tonight to bring you home."

Cassie knew the signs as well as Janet did. They had discussed the Sam and Jack dilemma often. Cassie thought the regs were stupid. Sam had not been the same since she had dumped Pete. There were times that she seemed her old self, even happier than normal, but more often than not, she was in a funk. She was there now. "Why don't I ride with you, Sam? You don't mind do you, Jack?"

Jack took a long look at Sam and recognized the funk at once. He wondered why he hadn't noticed earlier, and realized he had. It was why he had suggested they all ride back together. He was suffering a very similar funk. He had been ever since Kerry Johnson had told him that she couldn't "love, live this way." He didn't know what bothered him the most, that he had almost lost Carter to Pete, that he had almost hurt Kerry, knowing he could never love anyone the way he loved "his Sam", or that he still hadn't found a way to be with Carter. Everyone seemed to think it was so easy. Even Jacob had told him not to let Sam make the mistake of marrying Pete. Jacob had known how much they loved each other.and he knew the regs. What no one seemed to realize is that as long as there were Goa'ulds and the possibility of replicators in other galaxies, there was no way he and Sam could be together. He had to be there to protect her. She had to be there to save the world. What good would being together be if they didn't have a world to be together in?

Jack suddenly realized that Sam and Cassie were staring intently at him. He knew he was busted. Cassie replied, "On second thought, Sam, if you don't mind, I will ride with Jack."

Jack shook his head, "No, you should ride with Sam, I mean the Colonel," he blushed, busted again. That was a dead give away of what he had been thinking about. "She didn't get much sleep last night; you go with her and make sure she stays awake."

Sam was smiling sadly. She knew all too well. She was shaking her head as well, "No, sir, I'm fine. I'll stop and get a cup of coffee. There is a Starbucks on the corner. Besides, I'm working on a generator problem, and the quiet time in the car will be a good time to think through the problem," she lied.

Cassie made the decision, "I'll ride with you, Jack. Sam's no fun when she's pondering a problem.'" She turned and hugged Sam again and whispered in her ear, "You're not fooling me, but I'll let you have you funk for now. Just be prepared to leave it behind on the way home."

Sam hugged Cassie tightly. She loved this child more than Cassie would ever know.or at least that is what she believed, but Cassie understood completely what she meant to both Jack and Sam. "Thanks, Sweetie," she whispered in Cassie's ear.

Jack was no fool either; he knew he had just been conspired against. There was no beating these two when they had decided to gang up against him.

Jack and Cassie stopped at Starbucks first. Jack ordered three coffees and paid for them. Sam smiled when she pulled up to the window and they handed her a cup of coffee exactly as she would have ordered it, a Grande Caramel Latte with extra caffeine. Could she love anyone more than she loved Jack O'Neill? Why did fate make it impossible for them to be together? It was so unfair. Everyone made it sound so easy. Didn't they all know how badly she wanted this? She had been able to save the world countless times, but would she be able to save herself? She knew her depression was being reflected in Jack. She had been hopeful when they went to the cabin that a few stolen moments would be enough, but it just reminded her of what she was missing. She still couldn't believe that she didn't admit to her father how she felt about Jack.that Pete could not make her happy. She had gone to his grave and told him that he was right, that she loved Jack and that only Jack would make her happy. She didn't really believe he could hear her, but it made her feel better.until she the reality set in. Nothing had changed.

She remembered all those years ago, when the then Colonel had been lost on Edora. Janet had known then that Sam was in love with Jack. She had asked if it was a problem. Sam had lied. And she had kept right on lying to herself. A part of her had died when Jack had said goodbye to Laira. A part of Sam and Jack both died when they discovered that they weren't Jonah and Thera. Why had they ever agreed to leave their feelings for each other in that dreaded room? Would things have been different if Freya/Anise had never entered the picture? It was then that they started acting self conscious about their feelings for each other. Things were seldom the same after that, until Jacob died. Why was she even wasting her time thinking about it?

She was looking forward to seeing Janet. She needed to get out of this funk and start thinking about all the things she would share with her best friend, when the opportunity arose.

As Jack and Cassie drove away from Starbucks, Cassie smiled at Jack, and put him on the spot, "Jack, when are you going to admit out loud that you love that woman with all your heart?"

Jack blushed deeply and looked sheepishly at Cassie out of the corner of his eye. He tried to play dumb, "What woman?" but realized he wasn't fooling anybody and continued, "You mean Sam?"

"Yes, I mean Sam, and don't play dumb. First of all you aren't, even though you like to act like it, but none of us buy that act any more. Second of all, you can see the love written all over your face every time you look at her. You even know her favorite coffee at Starbucks," Cassie went on a tirade.

Jack quickly realized Cassie had taken this bull by the horns and she wasn't going to let go. Very quietly he answered Cassie, "Yes, I love Sam more than I love life itself, but you know the regs, Cassie, no fraternization."

"Jack, there has to be a way you and Sam can be together. This is killing both of you, and one day it will get one or both of you killed, and the other will be completely worthless, because alone you are nothing," Cassie implored.

Sadly, Jack knew Cassie was right. It had been weighing on his mind more and more. He had tried to be happy for Sam when she was engaged to Pete.but the truth was he had wanted to rip his heart out. He had known that Kerry was just a reaction to Pete and that he would never be able to love her like he loved Sam. He also knew that Sam had not been the same since they came back from the cabin. He had hoped things would return to normal. Jack had not wanted to fix it. Every alternate reality they had seen had allowed the Jack and Sam of that reality to be together. Why was this reality so cruel? Suddenly Jack realized that he had been spilling all of this to Cassie. He blushed deeply as he cast a quick look out of the corner of her eyes. He was shocked to see there were tears running down her face. "I.I.I'm sorry," he stammered. "I...I...I shouldn't have dumped all of this on you."

"No, Jack, I'm glad you finally did. You've haven't told me anything I haven't known. You and Sam have always let your guard down around me and Mom for that matter. We've known for years," Cassie broke off grinning as she watched Jack's head snap towards her. She started shaking her head yes. "Mom knew you were in love with Sam when Jolinar joined with her and you sat beside her bed waiting for her to die. She suspected Sam was already in love with you when Sam got that weird virus that made ya'll like "cave people" and she tried to seduce you, but she knew for sure when you were caught off world on Edora. Sam went three months only coming to see me once a month, but she was seldom off world during that time. I knew what she was doing. She was trying to save the man she loved. I was just a kid, but I knew. You knew too, didn't you, Jack?"

Jack was smiling but there was a tear running down his check as he nodded yes. He finally found the words to answer her, "Cassie, I knew Sam was going to be trouble for me the second she walked into the room. It was true I hated scientists, but she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen and listening to the techno babble come out of her month was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. We went to this planet just a few weeks later where this boy Abu was in love with a young girl. He thought he would be able to trade Sam for the girl. He kidnapped her and took her to Turghan. I was sick when I realized she was gone. When we found her she was not content to just leave, she fought Toughan for the right of his daughter to marry Abu. When I realized it was a fight to the death, it was too late. I felt like my heart had been torn out. I should have known she could hold her own," he said with a proud smile. He continued, "I knew then that if I wasn't already in love with her, it was just a matter of time. By the time she came down with that virus, I was head over heals, I just wasn't admitting it to any one, least of all myself. But Janet always had a way of looking straight through me. She always knew what I was feeling before I knew it, whether it was pain or love. I'm not looking forward to hearing about your Mom's reality right now either. She came through the gate asking to speak to 'General Samantha Carter O'Neill.' This will be another universe that has fallen apart, yet Sam and I found a way to be together. It just reiterates how foolish it would be for us to get together," Jack trailed off.

Suddenly things began to be clear for the first time for Cassie. Every alternate reality that they had seen had Sam and Jack together, but it was being blown to smithereens. It was so typical of both of them to figure that they had to remain apart to continue saving the earth. It was the regs that had saved the earth, not some warped way. Now she was dying to see her Mom for another reason. Hopefully she had found alternate universes that had Sam and Jack's that were together and the world was safe, but that she couldn't stay there because of the temporal entropic cascade was an issue because she wasn't dead in that reality. Cassie suddenly reached out and grabbed Jack's hand. She entwined her fingers with his as she had since she was a little girl and brought the back of his hand up to her lips. She slid closer to him on the seat and laid her head on his shoulder and said, "Jack, we'll find a way, I promise."

Jack laid his head on top of Cassie's and put his arm around her shoulders. "You betcha," he replied, feeling just a little more optimistic than he had believed was possible when he driving up to pick Cassie up just a few hours before. Cassie had always had a way of making them believe.

Sam had quickly caught up with the truck after she had picked up her coffee, but had been so lost in her own thoughts that she really hadn't been doing anything but using the truck as a way to not have to think about where she was. The movement in the truck caught her eye and she suddenly wished she was a fly on the wall. She knew that Cassie had worked her magic on Jack and that he was no longer in a funk. She was looking forward to that magic when they took Cassie home that night.

No one could believe they had already reached the base. They quickly parked side by side and practically ran into the base. They still had an hour until Janet would be there, but they were all anxious to see Janet. When they realized how early they were, they went to the commissary. Jack hadn't had Fruit Loops since they had been stuck in that crazy time loop, but when Cassie picked up a box, he decided it was time to give them a try again. But of course neither of them stopped there, they both grabbed a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon and two slices of toast. Cassie went for the coke, while the General poured a very large cup of coffee. Sam smiled at the two of them. She had started to go for a bagel, but decided that a high protein breakfast was probably a better choice, so she went for the eggs and ham. Sam didn't need to get a cup of coffee; the General had already poured a cup for her.

They found a table in the corner. Cassie and the General inhaled their breakfasts, but Sam picked at hers. She did drink her coffee. It was amazing how fast the hour passed with Cassie telling them anecdotes about the boys trying to impress her. After going through the Stargate, motorcycles and physics experiments just didn't carry the same excitement, to say nothing of carrying around a naquada bomb inside of you. Cassie had succeeded in getting both Jack and Sam out of their funks with her silly stories. She was happy and excited. She tried to convince them it was time to go find Janet, but Jack told her they would come find him as soon as she had arrived. Janet would be taken to the infirmary to be checked out. That started them on a whole new tangent. They started mimicking Janet fussing at them about different things. It was funny that Jack had her voice down perfectly. He did a whole skit between Jack and Janet that had them in tears, then he did Janet and Teal'c which was even funnier. Then he made a fatal mistake. He imitated Janet and Sam. His Sam was even better than Janet. Sam had no idea. Cassie did. He had perfected it on her. Sam quickly fell back into her funk.and Jack right along with her. Fortunately, Siler came in to tell them that Janet had just arrived and was on her way to the infirmary.

The three practically ran to the infirmary. They burst through the doors and stopped suddenly. There she was, "their Janet." She actually sounded a lot like the General as she was complaining that she was fine and that she didn't need to be checked out.

"Janet, if nothing else, they need to make sure that you aren't carrying a naquada bomb or a Goa'uld," Sam prodded her friend to allow the Dr.'s to do their job.

Cassie giggled, and piped in, "Well, I can tell you for sure, she does not have a Goa'uld."

"Unfortunately, I can too," Jack chagrined, which caused them all to burst in laughter except for Jack.

"So, you had a Tok'ra in you as well, this looks like the closest alternate reality to mine yet. Except, I'm dead and you are alive General, which for me is a good thing. I've been through at least 50 different alternate realities looking for one where I didn't exist and the Goa'uld had not taken over the world."

The three were looking at each other in a way that Janet couldn't distinguish. Then it hit her, there were definite differences that would become apparent soon enough. Funny, they were all wondering how many of those 50 alternate universes had a Sam and Jack that were married but had not been taken over by the Goa'uld. They were all individually making plans to find out without the others as soon as possible.

"Did the Goa'uld take over your world, Mom?" Cassie asked. Janet let a sickening snicker that startled them all as she hissed, "Please tell me you don't have an idiot named George W. Bush for President?!"

The trio looked at each other in shock and amazement. They had never heard of George W. Bush. Carter replied, "No, in fact I've never heard of him. I don't even think he is a politician in this reality. Our President is Hays."

Janet replied, "That's the best news I've heard all day. My world was destroyed by that idiot. He started a war with Iraq that ended up starting World War III. Sam, you pushed me through the mirror but before you could follow me there was a flash that had to be yet another nuclear bomb." Janet had reached out to Cassie and was hugging her close as she continued, "you sweetie had already been killed while at school, and you, sir, were killed in Washington, D.C. while trying to talk some sense into our idiot President. That is why you were made a General so quickly Sam." Janet had reached out and taken Sam's hand in hers and squeezed it tightly. As she did so, she noticed there was no wedding band. She tried to nonchalantly check out Jack's hand, but Sam knew exactly what she was doing. Sam was dying to ask how they, Janet's Sam and Jack, had pulled off being together, but she knew it wasn't the time or the place. When Janet turned back to Sam, she read Sam as well as she had read her own Sam. She knew what that look meant, 'we will talk, just not now.'

What neither of them realized is that Jack and Cassie both read that look wanted the answer as much as Sam did. Janet was going to have a busy day.

Janet turned to the Doctor and begged, "Did everything check out? Can I get out of here now?"

As much as each of them wanted to keep Janet to themselves, Jack and Sam knew the right thing to do was to give Cassie some time alone with Janet. They set Janet up with one of the guest rooms and explained that they had to take Cassie back to school in the evening so she could take her Physics exam the next day. They found Janet some clean clothes to change into after she cleaned up and brought her favorites from the commissary.

Sam started back to her lab and realized she still had the General in tow. One of the things she loved about him was the way they could speak volumes without saying a word. Just being in each other's company was all the comfort either one needed.

Sam sat down in front of her computer, checked her email and then opened the document that contained the data she was working regarding the improvements to the generator, but after she opened the document, she just sat there staring at the computer. The General watched quietly for several minutes to make sure Sam wasn't really just lost in thought about the project, but when her eyes didn't move, he knew she was a thousand miles a way. He moved a chair very close to hers and sat down. She glanced over at him and he simply said, "Come here." She smiled. How she loved to hear that simple command and to comply with it. She leaned into him and he put his arm around her. She took his hand in hers and stroked the back of his hand with her thumb. It had become a very comfortable setting for the two of them.

He finally broke the very comfortable silence, "A dime for your thoughts?" She met his stare with an arched eyebrow and a familiar questioning smile. He simply stated, "Everyone knows your thoughts are worth way more than a penny."

She playfully squeezed his hand before she soberly replied, "How is it that every alternate reality that we have run into we've found a way to be together, but in this reality, we can't figure it out? Do we just not want it as badly as they did?" she asked pensively biting her lower lip and arching her eyebrow again.

Jack slowly shook his head and shocked Sam as he replied, "Baby, there is one thing I know for sure. No one wants it as badly as you as and I do." Sam blushed and turned her head away from Jack as she brushed her lips against the back of his hand. He pulled her closer and she let her head rest against this shoulder as he continued, "But my observance has been the difference in their environments. The first time we ran into an alternate reality, that Sam wasn't in the military. If you weren't in the military, trust me, we would be married right now."

"Jack, I'm tired of going home alone every night. I want us to be together. I know that as long as there is a threat to the universe that exists because of the Stargate, that I can't live with the thought of either one of us leaving the SGC. This is a fight we need to fight together, but is it fair that we have to give up the personal lives we want to live because we keep saving the world? I want children, and want those children to be safe. That means I need to keep fighting this fight.with you by my side, or at least as my boss." She broke off with a grin, knowing that he had heard this tirade before.

He planted a kiss on the top of her head. He knew better than to answer one of Samantha Carter's tirades. They sat there in companionable silence until Jack's stomach started to growl. Neither said a word as they both got up and headed back to the commissary. They stopped by Janet's room to find that Cassie had already raided the commissary again and she and Janet were sitting cross legged in the floor swapping stories about their different universes. They were both in tears they were laughing so hard. They invited Jack and Sam to join them. They begged off until they could get something to eat.

The two returned to Janet's room about twenty minutes later. They were drawn back to the infectious laughter and were looking forward to watching the mother and daughter reunion. Sam quickly took her place on the floor with the mother and daughter, while Jack lay across the bed. They were soon all sharing stories that were slightly embellished by time and many tellings. Suddenly Cassie turned to Sam and asked her where Daniel and Teal'c where. Sam explained they were off world but were due back soon. Sam noticed the blush on Janet's face and made eye contact with Jack.

"Why don't I see if I can hurry them along, so you can see them before you leave, Cassie?" Jack asked as he headed for the door.

Cassie responded with a big grin and a nod of the head. She hadn't missed the blush. She had thought her Mom and Daniel were getting very close to having a serious relationship when Janet had died.

Jack returned less than fifteen minutes later with a very dirty Daniel and Teal'c, much to Teal'c's chagrin. They had been working with Unas to mine some naquadah. When Daniel had heard that "Janet" was at the base, he didn't take time to shower after coming through the gate, he went straight to see her.

"Janet", he ran towards her about to take her in his arms, but suddenly seconds after seeing her, he wished he had taken time to shower. He suddenly started to stammer."Well, uhm.I guess Teal'c and I should go get cleaned up. We'll see you in a few minutes."

The foursome was stunned when Daniel and Teal'c returned in less than 10 minutes freshly showered, donning fresh clothes. Daniel wasted no time pulling Janet up from the floor into a huge bear hug. Janet blushed, but definitely was enjoying the attention. Daniel suddenly realized he was making a bit of a spectacle of the two of them and started to blush. The problem was, now he had no idea what to do. He finally decided the best course was to blend in. He took Janet by the hand and slid down to the floor. He managed to guide Janet in the same maneuver to be close enough for him to slide his arm around her in a very comfortable way. Jack and Sam passed a look that said there was a lot more going on here than they had realized. Cassie looked like Janet and Daniel had picked up right where they left off. Teal'c had taken up a spot on the floor where he could lean up against the wall. It suited him much better than the bed, which was getting very crowded with Sam, Janet and now Daniel leaning up against it.

The group quickly picked up telling stories about old times. The all decided they were very hungry when they started telling the about the time they had worn the armbands that Anise had brought that had made them so strong. This had not happened in Janet's reality and the thought of the Sam, Jack and Daniel beating up the locals at O'Malley's had her literally rolling on the floor in peals of laughter.

They were shocked to learn that it was already 6 o'clock. Jack had lifted the ban on O'Malley's, so it was quickly decided to head there for dinner. It was decided that they would take two cars so that Jack and Sam could take Cassie to back to the dorm after they had dinner.

As they ate dinner, Cassie broached the subject that she had already thoroughly checked out with Janet earlier. "Mom, tell us more about the Sam and Jack in your reality."

Janet knew exactly what Cassie was searching for, but knew better to jump directly into the subject with these two even if the other two present were there closest friends. Everyone at this table had known for years that Sam and Jack should be together. "Well, Cassie," she started carefully, "there are a lot of similarities between my reality and your reality. Sam's father was military, Sam wanted to be an astronaut, Jack was Special Ops, and the start of the Stargate Program was almost exactly the same in our reality. The only difference was that Catherine Langford played a bigger role in our program the first year."

"Within the first month, SG-1 went to P3X-737." They all started to laugh aloud when Sam groaned out loud. Janet continued laughing, "Yes, the Sam in my reality got the virus too, but in my reality, Jack got it first." She winked at Sam, and watched the General start to blush. "Yes, sir, you were the one that seduced Sam. But in all fairness, Sam wasn't very far behind in the progression of the virus. Things went a lot further a lot faster due to the fact that you both were pretty close to the same stage of the virus. A month later, we knew Sam was pregnant. There was already an obvious attraction between the two of you. General Hammond split the two of you up and put you on different SG teams and we had a great big happy wedding. Unfortunately, the virus had infected the fetus. Sam miscarried a few weeks later. As time passed, every time one of you got in trouble, the other insisted in going to help. Finally, the General got a special concession from the Pentagon to put you both back on the same team. There were rules you had to follow. No fraternizing off planet. That one was pretty funny and was pretty much ignored if you got stuck off world for any length of time."

Sam quietly said "Wow." Jack just sighed. Daniel and Janet looked at each other with an unspoken message that said, 'okay, this is getting a little too heavy.'

Daniel and Janet quickly started telling more of the funny stories, comparing the outcomes from the different realities. Jack and Sam made a conscious effort to remain engaged, but it was obvious they were still soaking in what Janet had told them. Teal'c shocked them all by telling more of the story they had started earlier about the arm bands. He told about his teams mates voracious appetites and there disobedience to the General. About that time, General O'Neill piped up stating that he had wanted to knock Teal'c's block off and had been strong enough to do until that arm band hand fallen off.

Teal'c raised his eyebrow in a question, which sent the table into peals of laughter. Cassie explained what the expression "knock your block off meant." After Cassie's explanation, Teal'c simply looked at O'Neill, arched his eyebrow again and said, "Indeed." Again this sent ripples of laughter through the table. Jack was relieved to see that that the laughter was genuinely reaching Sam's eyes. He decided this would be a good time for him and Sam to take Cassie home. They took their leave of the group.

The ride back to Denver was spent reminiscing about all their favorite things about Janet, what they had missed and what they would be thrilled to see changed. The last was more in the nature of good hearted roasting than in serious complaining. Before they knew it, they were pulling up outside of Cassie's dorm. Sam and Jack were going to walk her in, but it was already 9:00 o'clock and she needed to study. She told them to go on, that she would come down Saturday morning.

Jack drove back through Starbucks and got the two of them a cup of coffee. Sam was already starting to sink back into the funk. He had expected it. He had been fighting it himself.

As soon as they pulled away, he said, "Come here." She quickly slid into the now very comfortable position. She put her coffee in the cup holder and took his coffee in her left hand and his right hand in her right hand after he had draped his arm around her shoulder. "You okay?" he asked tenderly.

She gave him that special smile that was reserved just for him; slightly sad and happy all at the same time. "I'm fine," she started to lie, but then finished "I'm better than I expected to be."

He squeezed her hand, grateful for the honesty. "You were right this afternoon, you know. It's time for us to figure out how to be together. Not just stolen moments. Did I tell you, Kerry had an idea about that?"

Sam's head whipped toward him. He knew she hated that name, although she was a little more benevolent towards her once she heard how gracefully she had bowed out of the picture. They had come so close to hurting each other in a way that would never be able to be undone. "She suggested that I retire; that a civilian had run the SGC before," he explained.

Sam slightly shook her head. She swapped out the coffee cups and took a deep draught before she asked, "Could it really be that simple, Sir?"

He laughed, "Don't you think it's a little silly to be calling me "Sir" right now?"

She giggled and replied, "Old habits die hard, Sir!" with a special emphasis on the word sir. "Actually, Sam, I have been contemplating her suggestion since she made it. I think they would think I am expendable. You are the one they can't do without. I think you should be the one to retire, we get married, then the first time we get into trouble, I make the case to bring you back," he explained.

Again she took a deep draught of coffee. "This is military strategy. This is your forte. I'll do whatever you think is best. Worst case scenario would be that I would be brought back in as civilian advisor for the stargate functions and not get to go through the stargate. I could live with that, if I get you." She stroked his hand as she changed out the coffees and held his up to his mouth for him to take a sip.

They spent the ride home making plans. They laughed over the fact that their Janet would be thrilled to know that the other Janet was in some ways responsible as well as Cassie.

The next morning they gathered Daniel, Teal'C and Janet to explain their plans, ask for advice and concerns. All they got from Teal'c was, "Indeed, it is time." Janet and Daniel had tons of advice, most of which they were not ready to heed. The bottom line was it was decided. On Friday, Sam would retire, Jack would take his vacation. Saturday morning there would be a simple wedding at the local justice of the peace. Daniel, Janet, Cassie and Teal'c would be at the wedding. Then Sam and Jack would go the cabin for their honeymoon.

Sam wrote her letter of resignation, and gave it to Jack. On Friday morning he called the Pentagon and the White House and explained that Sam was resigning. President Hays told Jack to stay by the phone. He called back half an hour later. He told Jack that he was not accepting Sam's resignation. She was too important to the program. Jack immediately resigned. President Hays started laughing. "Jack, you didn't let me finish. You are Sam's direct supervisor, but it is not the same situation as when you were on the same team. Can you keep a level head and make sound decisions knowing how you feel about her?"

Jack took a deep breath, "Permission to speak off the record, sir?"

"Granted," the President replied.

"Sir, I've been in love with Samantha Carter almost from the first moment I met her. She's the only scientist I've ever met that has been able to apply military strategy and common sense to a situation. That was a combination that was hard not to love, in a man or a woman." He was hoping he would get a chuckle out of the President and was rewarded with a loud laugh. "But although I have loved her for years, sir, I have made the tough decisions when I have needed to. Once I seriously believed I had killed her. What I did should have killed her, but her body had been taken hostage by an alien entity and it was the right thing to do. I will never risk the rest of the world for Sam, sir, if that is what you are asking."

"That's what I needed to know, son. I've already spoken to the Pentagon. We are giving you a special concession. You've given us so much; this is one thing we can give you in return. We need both of you too much to allow either one of you to leave the program. Now, both of you have a month off for the honeymoon, get out of here!" the President finished.

Jack couldn't believe it. He walked out of his office but before he knew it, he was running towards Sam's lab. She was packing up her stuff. For once in her life she couldn't read that expression. He was happy. Too happy for what was happening. "Sir?" she prompted.

He closed the door behind him and locked it. She arched her eyebrow. How he loved that eyebrow. He took the item she was packing, he didn't have a clue what it was, out of her hand and set it on the bench and took her in his arms. He slowly kissed her, deepening it as the time ticked away. She responded pulling him closer. When they finally came up for air she pushed him away slightly, just enough that she could look into his face clearly. "Are you going to finally tell what this is all about?" she asked.

He laughed and said, "You aren't retiring, Col."

Instead of a smile, she looked crestfallen, "What happened?"

He took her face in his hands and brought it up too look at him. He planted a gentle quick kiss on her lips and said, "Hey! It's okay! We are still getting married, it's just that neither one of us has to retire. They are letting us work together after we get married."

He looked so pleased with himself as the realization dawned on her face. She practically leapt into his arms, even though she was already there and gave him a kiss he would never forget.

The wedding plans were changed slightly. They were married in their dress blues by the wedding chaplain. Janet and Cassie stood up for Sam and Teal'c and Daniel stood up for Jack. They surprised each other by having rings for each other. Jack had forgotten to give Sam the engagement ring, so he slid both on her finger at the same time. She had never seen an engagement ring that was so beautiful. The stone was definitely from out of this world. She was already coming up with a story about a lab created stone that they lost the formula to in a fire right after they created this "prototype." Sam had picked up a ring that the Nox used that symbolized the eternity of love.

Everyone from the entire base showed up at the commissary during the next several hours. All wanted to wish their two favorite officers best wishes. Some were collecting bets as discreetly as possible. Although the General and Colonel had played by the rules, it had been easy enough for anyone with an ounce of feeling in their hearts to see how these two felt about each other. Most had lost their bets because they had figured they would never make it beyond five years. They had known the military would never give up these two, they were too valuable. They knew it was a statement of their humility not to have figured it out sooner.

Now they were making bets about how long it would take before there would be a very public battle between the two, the first baby, how long until Sam was in tears again or how long until the General was grumpy again. They just couldn't leave these two alone.

Their closest friends were at least as happy as they were, if not happier. Cassie was floating on air. She was setting many a heart a flutter by dancing with every young gentleman that asked. Of course, she also danced with Jack, Daniel, Teal'c and General Hammond. General Hammond had flown in that morning for the event. Janet and Daniel were practically inseparable. Janet did dance with Jack, Teal'c and General Hammond, but for the rest of the time she rejected any one else's offer.

They left for the General's cabin shortly after 1. Little did anyone know that they were actually spending the night at Jack's and leaving in the morning. Sam and Jack wasted no time making up for 9 long years. It was an amazing night. So often after two people have had a professional relationship for nine years, it's a little awkward to make the transition. Sam and Jack had no trouble. It was as if they were reading each others minds. The next morning as they were getting breakfast and preparing to leave, they started to notice that they were communicating without saying a word. Jack had asked if Sam wanted eggs. She simply thought, "I want to try these world famous eggs with beer even though I think they will be nasty."

Jack looked at her and said, "They are wonderful, Sam."

Sam slowly shook her head, she was positive she hadn't said it out loud, and Jack again responded, "You know, come to think of it, you didn't."

Sam said out loud, "Okay, I know we have always had an unspoken communication that was rather uncanny, but this is getting weird."

Jack and Sam in unison thought, "You think!" Then they continued, "We don't have time for this now." They were looking at each with eyes as big as saucers, but they knew they would miss there plane if they didn't finish up quickly and head out for the airport. They both shook their heads and thought, "when we get to the cabin."

Jack fixed the eggs while Sam finished packing. After the first bite, she was thinking "These really are awesome. I can't believe it!" Jack responded aloud, "Told ya!" Then he continued, "This really is getting weird, Sam. Any ideas?"

"Actually, yes, I have several. I'm going to be doing a little probing of your mind on the plane." Sam was already laughing. "No, I'm not looking for all your deep dark secrets. I think this has something to do with the ancient gene and the naquadah that we both carry. My theory is that the unspoken communication was taken to a new level by chemical changes that we experienced last night. I'm curious to see if I can find any remnants of the ancient knowledge that you downloaded in the past. If so, I might be able to find some information that I can use," Sam burst into giggles. "Don't worry, I will always love you for that perfect body, but I know there is very intelligent brain hiding in there, and I'm looking forward to finding out more about it."

Jack decided that he was going to enjoy this. They quickly grabbed their bags and headed for the nearest air force base. They were catching a flight from Lowry Air Force Base in Denver to the Minneapolis - St. Paul Air Reserve Base in Minnesota.

The trip was not very comfortable. Sam decided to pass the trip quickly by picking Jack's brain. Jack had a totally different idea in mind, but he couldn't keep it hidden from Sam. Suddenly this wasn't quiet as much fun. "Don't even think about it, Jack. We have no way of knowing when one of those guys will walk out of the cockpit and there is no bathroom on this plane. We are not joining the mile high club on this trip," Sam thought so sharply, it actually hurt. When Jack visibly winced, Sam was immediately remorseful, but was not giving in. She squeezed his hand and told him, "I'll make up for it when we get to the cabin."

Sam set about her business. She was specifically looking for anything to do with the Ancients knowledge. Jack literally could feel Sam lightly brushing through his mind. He was impressed with how respectful she was being. She slid right past his fantasies about her with a little giggle. She did the same with the fantasies about Mary Steenburgen. Although she was having a hard time suppressing a fully belly laugh when she remembered Urgo asking who she was. Jack knew Daniel would not have been so polite. She was moving past his memories of their missions together. She would love to have seen his perspective on many of these but she felt it was an invasion of privacy. Suddenly she felt a gentle tug pulling her back. He knew she was curious, and he wanted to share them with her. She was shocked at his reaction to her seduction when she had that freaky virus that made her like a cave woman. He hadn't gotten the virus yet, but he wanted her, as much as she had wanted him. Suddenly she felt him brushing her mind. He was looking for her perspective of that day. He wanted to know if she was just reacting to the virus, or if she had wanted him. He smiled that self important smile he reserved just for her. She wanted him! She was checking something out, "Yes!" she practically shouted. Jack started laughing. Sam had just checked to see if he really had been concerned about whether or not the stab wound had left a scar.

He took her back to the time she had been kidnapped. He was terrified. She wanted to know. He was afraid he would loose her, forever. Did you really care that much that soon, she probed. He took her back to the first time he met her. Part of the reason that he didn't want her on the team was because he hadn't reacted to a woman like this since he left Sarah. She was shocked. She had been terrified that he would realize that she was already in love with the idea of Jack O'Neill. "What" he wanted know. She had been following his career for years. She had been asked to examine the results of some of the work that he had done as test pilot. From there she had followed his special ops work. She had even known that a personal tragedy had caused him to resign. She had never known what it was, but when they needed someone to go through the Stargate, she was the one who first brought up his name. "Why didn't you ever tell me that before?" Jack asked. "I felt it was an invasion of your privacy. And I wasn't always sure you were glad that you had gone through the Stargate the first time."

Jack took Sam in his arms, which wasn't very easy the way they were strapped into the plane and kissed her intently. He knew he had married his best friend, but he was amazed at how much closer they had become in the less than 24 hours since they had been married. Sam was experiencing the same emotions that Jack was. When they finally came up for air, the exploration continued. Jack still had something very special to share. Something he had wanted to share with Sam for years. He gently tugged at her mind and she willingly followed eager to see what else he wanted to share. Suddenly he stopped and went another direction. First the negative, he showed her the 100 days he spent with Laira on Edora. Jack was a little shaken by Sam's rather violent mental reaction. "You mean if I had found the solution one day earlier, nothing would have happened?" she asked aloud.

He replied, "Not only that, but I never loved her. I was convinced you would find me, but after 100 days."

"But the reality is that she got you drunk." Sam spat.

"I never thought of it that way, but yeah, that is what happened, Sam," he replied. "But there is something else I want to show you." He then tugged her mind again. This time, the memory was much more pleasant. She started laughing. "I've wondered about that silly grin for five years. I've seen that grin in my sleep. Daniel has ribbed me to death about that grin and what it meant, like I actually knew. You actually resigned?" She asked. Then she started laughing hysterically. She had just turned to see the look on General Hammond's face. It was priceless. He showed her all the fun he had while she was working hard trying to find a solution to their nightmare of being trapped living the same time period over and over.

Sam took Jack's face in her hands and kissed him gently at the same time showing him how much she loved him, how grateful she was to have him in her life in any way she could have him, and the plans she had for the future. After the brief moment of self indulgence, she said aloud, "Jack, we have a life time to learn everything there is know about each other, right now, let me learn more about the Ancients."

Jack grinned at her. It was more fun to play, but she had been indulgent, now he would let her have her fun. What was sick was he knew it would be fun for her. She squeezed his hand, silently thanking him for understanding. She quickly went past the areas she had already been through and went for the more technical areas of the brain. She was totally blown away. She had thought she would only find very small fragments of memory, but apparently the Asgard had only repressed the memories. There were encyclopedias of information here about the Goa'uld, the replicators and some very scary guys she had never seen before. She was filing things away in her brain as quickly as she could, but soon realized the best thing to do was to map the information in Jack's brain.

Jack was no fool, he was afraid to follow Sam down the path she had taken, he didn't want to activate something he couldn't control, but he knew Sam had hit pay dirt. She had found the mother lode. With Sam's brain and his repository of knowledge, they would be able to solve all the problems of the world. Jack had decided that Sam could have her fun on the rest of the plane trip and the ride up to the cabin, but then, they were turning off the brain cells until when they reached the cabin. Suddenly Jack was laughing. Sam had told him in his brain, "I heard that!" and just when he thought he was in big trouble she gave his brain a mental stroke that he felt physically very strongly right between the legs and Sam finished, "that's what I have in mind for the cabin." He should have known she would be in tune to his needs. It was giving him new ideas about what to do with this mental connection, though. Just then he got hit with another jolt that was actually painful and a "Behave!" as Sam giggled.

Sam was actually aggravated when the plane landed. She felt like she had just touched the tip of the ice burg. Jack understood. He actually behaved very well on the last leg of the trip. A rental SUV was waiting on them. Jack grabbed their bags, threw them in the back and they were on their way. Jack stopped and got them a cup of coffee at a drive through Starbucks, and never said a word to Sam on the whole way to the cabin. He could tell she was making real progress, and he didn't want to risk her wrath. He knew her well enough to know that he was going to see it when they got to the cabin and he interrupted the thought process. Again, Sam was shocked when they arrived at the cabin so quickly, but she was actually worn about by the intensity of the probing that she had done. She was actually relieved to be able to take some time off. Jack was very pleasantly surprised when they pulled up to the cabin and she willingly disengaged from her probing. Suddenly she asked, "Wait, shouldn't we have stopped and gotten some supplies?"

Jack laughed. "Not when I'm coming up here for my honeymoon, you idiot. For someone so bright, sometimes, you can be pretty dumb." Sam playfully stuck her tongue out him as they got out of the SUV.

Jack opened the door, set the bags inside the door, turned and before Sam had any idea what he was doing, he had whisked her up in his arms and carried her over the threshold. Sam giggled like a school girl and rewarded Jack with a long warm kiss. He stood her up on the floor and she was amazed at what she saw. The cabin was spotless, filled with the most beautiful arrangements of flowers and the table was set with fine china, candles and champagne chilling. There was a beautiful salad in the refrigerator and lasagna in the oven. The refrigerator and pantry had been stocked with all of Sam's favorites. Sam was in awe. "Who did all of this?" she asked.

"Believe it or not, I have a wonderful cleaning lady up here. When I told her I was getting married, she told me she would take care of everything. She's wonderful. I complained about no fish in my pond a few weeks ago, and she had her husband stock it with fish," he explained.

Sam started giggling, "So we didn't mess with the time line, you just had your pond stocked with fish to mess with my head!"

Jack laughed, "You betcha! By the way, I've been meaning to talk to you about something. I think we need to use the Ancient ship again to go back in time."

Sam was shaking her head, "Sir, I appreciate it, and as much as I want to have my Dad back, we can't risk the future."

Jack took Sam in his arms, "If you call me "Sir" one more time while we are on our honeymoon, I will personally break every bone in your body!" They both laughed as Jack continued, "but here me out, Daniel found a way to leave a message for us without messing up the timeline. All we have to do is leave a message that Selmak needs to sacrifice himself in time for Jacob to receive another Tok'ra before we need their knowledge to defeat the replicators."

Then it hit Sam, she had the knowledge to defeat the replicators with the weapon. She could send the information with message about Selmak and Jacob would not have to join with another Tok'ra. Jack was smiling. She had convinced herself.

Sam set about putting the lasagna on the plates while Jack took care of the salad. They ate in silence, whispering sweet nothings in each other's brains. The gentle brushing of each other in the other's mind had become very familiar. They wondered how they had ever survived without it.

They spent the rest of the week going between exploring each other minds and exploring each others bodies. Jack preferred the bodies. Sam was equally happy with either exploration. Jack did get pretty piqued when he realized that Sam had brought her computer. That was not part of the deal. He was appeased though when he realized Sam had started a database of villains they hadn't even heard of yet. She had already begun to list the methods they could use to defend themselves. Jack was very pleased to see some original Jack O'Neill maneuvers listed. When Sam was working on the database, Jack would fish. Sam would sit on the pier next to him with her computer.

They actually started discussing the possibility of a family. With the knowledge that Sam was gleaning from the Ancients, the threats the earth might be reduced to the point that they might actually feel comfortable bringing a child into the world. They had been concerned that a Goa'uld would come after a child. Sam had learned about an enzyme that was lethal to a symbiote. She had also learned how to administer the enzyme and where the enzyme could be found. It was amazing all the things she was learning. Yes, a family just might be a possibility after all.

They nearly jumped off the pier in shock when they heard loud banging on the front door of the cabin. It was Daniel and Teal'c. They had been sent to bring the General back to the base. An unidentified fleet of ships were entering the outer most region of what could be seen by satellites with long distant telemetry. They were unlike anything they had ever seen before. Sam asked them to describe them to her. Daniel explained that they were sort of a trapezoid shape. Sam looked at Jack and told him they belonged to the Xjjark's. Daniel and Teal'c looked at each other completely dumbfounded, which was rare for Teal'c.

Teal'c recovered his composure first and asked, "What has transpired?"

Jack sat back as they listened to the Sam techno babble enjoying the reactions of Daniel and Teal'c. It was obvious they grasped the full import of what Sam was explaining, "Jack and I have developed a new level of communication due to the naquadah that we both carry in our systems, the ancient gene that Jack has and some chemical changes.well never mind that," Sam blushed and Daniel laughed. Jack enjoyed the scene entirely too much and Sam let him know it. Sam continued, "Anyway, we had thought that the Asgard had removed the knowledge of the Ancient's from Jack's mind, but actually, they had just suppressed it. I've been accessing it, and creating a database of all kinds of bad guys, along with ways to defeat them. The Xjjark's are just one of the many."

Teal'c jumped to the chase, "Colonel Carter, how do we defeat the Xjjark's?"

"I would like to know the answer to that one as well, Sam," Jack piped in.

"Actually, sir, this one is pretty simple. Naquadah enhanced nuclear warheads will easily take care of the ships if we target the correct spot on the ships. First we need to disrupt the shields with a simple sonic wave," Sam answered rather pleased that she had the answer so readily at hand.

Jack got up and said, "Well, Dorothy, back to Oz, follow the yellow brick road."

Teal'c raised an eyebrow while looking to Daniel who barely shook his head indicating that Jack was being silly. Teal'c lowered his head slightly in understanding and acknowledgement.

Sam giggled at the exchange as she got up and started into the house to pack their things quickly to head back to the base. Jack was helping, but not helping at the same time.

Teal'c and Daniel were watching the silent exchange between the two with great amusement. Teal'c actually smiled.

They were in their vehicles headed for the base in Minneapolis in less than 15 minutes.

The plane trip was very entertaining for Daniel and Teal'c and Jack enjoyed playing it up for them. So much that Sam was getting a little irritated. Yet, she enjoyed the boyish side of Jack, so it was hard to stay irritated long. He knew it and knew just how to play her. It made for a very fast trip.

When they got back to the base they went straight to the briefing room and Sam set about the preparations needed to defeat the Xjjark's. Jack contacted the Pentagon and started to explain what they were facing. What he had forgotten was that he was going to have to explain how they knew about the Xjjark's. He suddenly realized this was going to be a lot more difficult than he had originally anticipated. Then he heard someone mention General Hammond.

"Is General Hammond in the room?" Jack asked.

"Yes, Jack, I'm here," came a very a reassuring voice.

"Sir, may I speak to you off the speaker phone?" Jack asked.

"Of course," was General Hammond's reply.

Jack heard the connection change. "Thank you, sir. I need to explain something to you. I'm sure you will understand, but I'm not sure they will. You know Sam and I both have naquadah in our system, and that I have the Ancient gene," Jack paused and the General grunted an assent. Jack continued, "Well, Sir, after Sam and I got married, well to be more exact, after we consummated our marriage, we activated a new level of communication. We, umm, no longer needed words. And, umm, well, Sam started running around in my head and found out that the knowledge of the Ancients was still there, it was just pushed out of the way. And she found all this information about all these bad guys that we haven't met yet. One of them was the Xjjark's. She also found ways to defeat a lot of these. Right now she is putting together some naquadah enhanced nukes and a sonic wave generator to disable their shields. She knows just where to aim those nukes after she knocks out the shields to destroy the ships."

The General laughed out loud and said to Jack, "That's great, Jack, let me put you back on the speaker phone while I explain what you just explained to me to the group here."

Jack interrupted, "but, sir!" but it was too late, he could tell he was on speaker phone. His knees had gone weak and he felt sick. He sank into the nearest chair convinced his career was over after all.

"Gentleman, great news! Colonel Samantha Carter has discovered a database that belonged the Ancients. It includes many enemies that we have not seen yet. She was able to identify the ships as belonging to a race called the Xjjark's. The database includes information on how to defeat these enemies. She has already set about preparing a sonic wave to disable their shields and naquadah enhanced nuclear warheads to take out their ships if they attack. She even knows where to target the ship to make sure it is destroyed."

Jack was grinning; he should have known the General would find a way to be more diplomatic than he was.

Sam was ready to load up the Daedalus. The Pentagon had given the plan their approval. Jack had been given permission to go with SG-1. They thought a diplomat might be needed. General Hammond was the only that found it funny that Jack was being called a Diplomat.

They intercepted the Xjjark's the next morning. When Jack tried to make contact, the Xjjark's insisted that the "earthlings" surrender. The sonic wave didn't work quite as expected, but Sam quickly made some adjustments by making it oscillate and it did the trick. Then in rapid succession, they hit all of the ships. Each one was completely destroyed.

There was a huge celebration on the ship, but SG-1 and the General were the only ones that really understood the import of what had just happened. Combine Sam's brain with knowledge of the Ancients contained in the General's mind, and nothing would be a threat to the earth again.

As soon as they got within range of the earth, they contacted the Pentagon. They were patched directly to General Hammond. He too understood the import of what had just happened. When he explained it to the rest of the panel, there was a shout that went up inside the Pentagon that had not heard since the end of World War II.

When they got back to the base, there was a bottle of champagne waiting on them with congratulations from President Hayes. There was an allusion to the note that had Sam convinced that General Hammond had explained everything to the President. She blushed blood red. Jack actually blushed as well, but then laughed.

It was Friday afternoon, and Cassie would be in from school soon. Sam wanted to talk to Janet before Cassie got there. The whole team had gone to grab a bite in the commissary. Sam didn't want any one to know what she was doing. She excused herself nonchalantly to go back to her lab. She was walking through the doors and thought she had made a clean get away when she felt him there. She wasn't thrilled, but all she could do was grin like a Cheshire cat, because she knew that was what he was doing.

Daniel was looking a Jack, "What?" he asked. Jack continued to grin and was obviously a million miles a way. "Jack, what are you grinning about???" Jack never heard him. Daniel finally leaned across and hit him on the shoulder.

"What?" Jack asked.

"That's what we want to know," Daniel snipped.

"Huh?" Jack replied.

"Jack, you are grinning like a Cheshire cat, what is going on?" Daniel asked again.

Jack started to play dumb, but decided he didn't want to, "Okay, Danny boy, but you have to promise not to tell Sam I told you. Teal'c won't without me even asking."

"Okay, Jack, I won't tell Sam, what's up?" Daniel was getting very testy.

"Sam's going to see Janet, for a little checkup. She's decided it's time to make me a Dad again," Jack replied with that goofy grin.

Unbeknownst to Jack, Cassie had walked up just in time to hear the announcement. "Seriously, Jack?" She asked in combined shock and excitement.

Janet was in her office. Jack had cleared her for duty before he and Sam went on their honeymoon. Sam knocked on the door and waited for the "Enter" which quickly followed. It was amazing how fast paper work stacked up.

"To what do I owe this pleasure, my old friend?" Janet asked. It was amazing how fast the two of them had fallen into their old friendship. There were differences between their own Sam and Janet, but they were minute. The important things were the same.

Sam gave Janet a quick hug before she sat down. She explained quickly what had happened between Sam and Jack on the honeymoon, how she had already put the knowledge to work and how for the first time in years, she really felt comfortable about having a family.

"So, you're here to make sure there is no reason not to start a family now?" Janet finished for Sam. Sam just grinned. That grin said it all.

Janet quickly set about the tests that needed to be performed. She kept Sam at ease during each step of the process. When she finished, she informed Sam, "Well, just as I suspected, you're as fit as fiddle. Go for it, Sam!"

It was six o'clock and time for the O'Malley's ritual. They all met in Sam's lab, she was always the last one to be ready. Everyone was shocked that she was not hard at work and in fact was ready to go. She was wearing the same silly grin that Jack had been wearing earlier. Then suddenly, Sam realized that she wasn't the only one wearing this silly grin. Jack and Janet were, which she understood, but so were Cassie, Teal'c and Daniel. Sam turned and looked at Jack. She took a swat at him but ended up falling into his arms laughing. "I should have known big mouth couldn't keep his mouth shut", she laughed. "But the reality is that we are all one family, and any children Jack and I have will be just an extension of this family, so I guess it is appropriate you should be in on it from the very beginning." She then went around and gave them all a hug that ended up in one huge group hug.

For the first time in a very long time, the future was bright and sunny for each and everyone of this very special family. They were looking forward to what tomorrow would bring.


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