Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please

The next morning Mark was dropping hints about going out on a date with Pete. Sam though about it and she didn’t want to use the guy but she knew that it might stop the rumours going around the SGC, knowing that most of them were true about her and Jack. So she gave in to Mark.

“Ok Mark, just one date if it will get you off my back” Mark smiled, knowing that he had just won.

“I promise you Sam you are going to get on well with him.”

“We will see.”

Everyone else came in for breakfast and Mark spoke to Pete. Sam saw him grin and she turned to look at her breakfast and talk with the kids. They talked about the party and then cleaned up. Soon it was time for Sam to leave. She said her good byes until Thanksgiving before she left.

A few hours later, she smiled when she saw Jack looking for her. He was smiling when he finally saw her. When she was close enough, they hugged.

“Welcome home sweet heart” he whispered before pulling back.

“Thanks, it’s good to be home.”

“Here let me” Jack took her bag from her and they headed to the exit.

“So, any more dreams?”

“Yep, but first things first; keys please” she said when they reached his truck.


“Trust me” she held out her hand and smiled at the same time so he gave her his keys.

She unlocked the doors and he put her bag in the back seat before getting in the passager seat. Sam was already in and when their seat belts were on Sam started up the truck and they left the airport.

“So, where are we going?”

“You will see.”

“Ok, how was the family?”

“Good, Mark and Laura were trying to play match marker with Mark’s friend and me” she took a quick look at Jack, who was watching at her.

“Oh, so what happened?”

“Mark, well he reminds me of you.”


“Yeah, being a bug” she said smiling.

“Am not.”

“Are to and I don’t mind. Anyway, he bugged me about going out on a date with his friend”

”What’s his name? “

“Pete, Pete Shanahan; he’s a cop from Denver.”

“A cop” he raised an eye brow.


“So, are you going to go out with him?”

“I was thinking about that, and I don’t want to use the guy.”


“But, for one it will stop the rumours at work.”

“Ah, a decoy.”

“Yeah, so I told Mark I will go on only one date and hopefully, it will get him off my back” Jack reached over and held onto her hand and gave it a squeeze before letting go.

“I hope you’re not upset with me Jack.”

“No, I’m not Sam. I understand what you are trying to do; kill two birds with one stone.”


“Good plan; so where are we going?”

“You will find out soon enough.”

Fifteen minutes later Sam pulled over and turned the truck motor off before undoing her seat belt and getting out. Jack did the same and followed Sam and stood next to her. Jack saw the Forsale sign and looked at Sam. She turned and wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his around her waist as they looked into each other’s eyes and they kissed.

“Care to share Sam?”

“Yes, this parcel of land here? I’m going to buy it.”


“So I can build this”

Sam pulled away from Jack and pulled out four sheets of paper from her pocket and unfolded them and showed Jack. The first sheet was a rough sketch of a two-story house log house, like a big cabin, with a garage with a pitched roof. Then she showed him the other sheets as well. He smiled when he saw the plans for the house.

“You dreamed of this?”

“Yes, once this land is mine I can start getting the ball rolling and get the house built”

“Sweet, I love it.”

“I knew you would” they hugged and kissed.

“One question, the money side?”

“Remember when I told you about the good dream I had about you, me and the rug.”

“Oh yeah” he said smiling.

“Well, in the same dream I remembered the lotto numbers and the next day I went and bought a ticket” Jack’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

“You won the lotto?”

“Yes” Jack picked her up and spun her around before putting her on the ground again and giving her a passionate kiss.

“Sam, you sure can be full of surprises.”

“I know” they kissed once again.

“Come on, let’s go home.”

“We are home but it will be one day” Jack smile.

“Yeah, with a dog”

“If we are going to have a dog we might as well have a cat too?”

“Agreed” they kissed before getting back into the truck.

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