Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please

“Sir, is every thing alright?”

“No, it isn’t Jack. Sam, have you told him?”

“Sorry sir, I haven’t had a chance” they all sat down.

“Sam, what is it” Daniel asked.

“Detective Pete Shanahan, the man who took me out for a few meals, he had a friend of his do a background check on me. I don’t know if he had one done on you guys or not.”

“What? When did you find out? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Sam turned to look at Jack and she could see that he was hurt and angry. She put her hand on to his.

“Jack, I only found out this afternoon when he was at my place. I over heard him on his phone. I was angry and shocked so I called General Hammond. He said that he was going to look in to it and then I got changed, went to get some food and drinks for tonight’s barbecue and then came here. I was going to tell you before everyone arrived.”

“Hey, I’m sorry for being a jackass; I’ve put my foot in it haven’t I?”

“Again. Yes, now you all know” and then she turned to Hammond.

“Sir, what have you discovered?” Jack saw a shadow appear around the corner of the house.

“Well, you were right” then Jack put his finger to his lips. Hammond saw it and frowned and so did everyone else. Then he pointed to the ground and everyone saw the shadow moving.

“Keep talking” Jack whispered to Sam and then he got up and went in side.

“What, right about what sir?” she looked at him and he got the message.

“About taking the family to Orlando for the school holidays.”

“They would love it sir.”

Jack went and got his nine mil out and went out the front door and walked around to the side of the house. Sure enough, Pete was there listening, until he heard the click on a gun and he quickly turned around.

“Hold it right there and put your hands up” everyone heard and went around the side of the house to investigate.

“Pete, what the hell are you doing here?” Sam was angry with him.

“I wanted to know who you were seeing.”

“What?” she was shocked and so was everyone else.

“I had a feeling you already had a boy friend.”

“Excuse me, my private life has nothing to do with you Detective. Now I just want you to leave me alone.”

“You heard her, now get off my property.”

“I’m leaving” he walked down the path and across the road and got into his truck and left. Jack lowered his gun and walked up to Sam and hugged her.

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah, I am now.”

“I hope that wasn’t loaded Jack” Cassie asked.

“Yes it is and that cop is dumb.”

“Why do you say that Jack?” Jack pointed it at one of his plants and pulled the trigger and they all laughed.

“A water gun” Sam said.

“Yep, shall we” they all headed back to where they were sitting and once they were all seated,

“You were saying before sir.”

“Yes, you were right; some one did do a background check on you but not anyone else.”

“Thanks for telling us sir” Sam said.

“Does anyone else know about what Shanahan did sir?”

“Yes, I had Major Davis do the checking for me.”

“Ok, so sir, do you have to return to the SGC right now?”

“Not till 0700 tomorrow, why?”

“Well, since you are here, would you like to stay for a barbecue? There is plenty to go around and there is cake for afterwards” Jack said grinning, making Hammond chuckle.

“Thanks Jack; do you have another one of those around?” He pointed to Jack’s beer.

“I’ll get it, Jack” Sam said,

“Thanks Sam.”

She got up and walked inside to get more drinks for everyone while Jack fired up the grill. When she returned she used one of Jack’s serving trays to carry all the drinks on. They talked while Jack cooked dinner for everyone.

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