Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please

When they arrived at the house, Jack deactivated the shield before opening up the door and walking inside.

“Want a drink Jacob?”

“Sure a soda, thanks.”

“Ok, what kind?”

“Coke, Selmac loves the stuff.”


He went to the fridge and got two cans out, passed one to Jacob then opened his.

“Do you want a game of pool?”

“Sure, why not?”

They headed to the games room and played pool as well as talked for the next two hours before they decided to head to the kitchen for some dinner. They had some turkey salad sandwiches and chocolate milk. After dinner Jack decided to give Sam a call.

”Hello Stargate Command, Sergeant Walter Harriman speaking.”

“Hey Walter, it’s O’Neill here. Can I speak to Major Carter, where ever she is” Jack said smiling.

“Yes sir, she is in the control room” then there were two clicks and one ring.

“Control room”

“Major Carter please, it’s Colonel O’Neill.”

“Yes sir” then Jack heard on the other end of the phone,

“Damn it McKay, go and bug someone else; I’m trying to work here.”

“Hey, I’m trying to help.”

“Excuse me, Major Carter phone call for you.”

“Tell whoever it is I’ll call back.”

“It’s Colonel O’Neill, ma’am.”

“Ok McKay, get out of my way” then he heard her foot steps.

“Colonel, is everything all right?”

“Yeah, everything is alright here but what is McKay doing there?”

“Who do you think blew up the gate fuses? I’ve got the computers partially back on line.”

“Have you had any dinner?”

“Too busy sir.”

“I could make it an order,” he said grinning while looking at Jacob.

“Ok, I better go before McKay decides to try something stupid, like blowing up the mountain” Jack laughed.

“I would believe it and do try to get some rest. I don’t want a cranky Major on my hands.”

“I will as soon as everything is up and running.”

“Ok, see you in the morning.”

“Ok, night sir.”

“Night Sam; you have my permission to kick McKay’s ass” He knew that would make Sam smile.

“Thanks for that, I better get back to work, night sir and say good night to Dad as well.”

“Ok, see you tomorrow” then she hung up and Jack did the same.

”Who is this McKay?”

“Rodney McKay, he is an egg head, like Sam, but not military. He has the hots for Sam and she doesn’t like him but has no choice but to work with him. He is the one that caused all the problems on the base today.”

“I see.”

“Yeah from what I could hear, he is annoying her while she is trying to fix everything.”

“Just like you?”

“Hey, I only annoy Sam in her lab and I don’t go around blowing up fuses and half of the control room. McKay does that all by himself” Jacob chuckled

“So, what shall we do tonight?”

“Well, there is a good movie on tonight. We could go to the movies.”

“Sounds good; what’s showing?”

“Matrix Reloaded; I already saw the first two when I was last here.”

“Sure, sounds good to me. Now where is that paper so we will know what time is starts?”

“If we leave now we will make it to the theatre with fifteen minutes to spare.”

“Ok, let me sort out these dishes then we can head downtown.”

Jack put the dishes in the small dishwasher and wiped down the counter. Once done, they put their shoes and jackets on; Jack grabbed his keys and turned off the lights. When they walked outside the sensor lights turned on. Once the door was closed, he then turned the shield on before they headed to his truck.

They made it to the movies and found a parking space. Once Jack parked his truck and they got out, they headed to the movie theatres
double doors. There were parents and kids everywhere, waiting to get into the movies. Jack and Jacob waited in line for their tickets.

“Jack, you take care of the tickets and I’ll get us a snack. What would you like?”

“Pop corn and a soda, thanks.”

“Ok, meet me over there” He thumbed over in a corner and Jack nodded.

Jacob managed to make his way over to the snack bar and waited in line. He could hear a group of older kids swearing at other younger kids.

“Hey man, get out of our way” a young teenager tried to push Jacob out of the way. He turned around and looked at the group.

“Why should I move?”

“We want to get some food, so move it old man.”

“No, I don’t think so. You should wait in line like everyone else.”

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