Author's Notes: Feed back yes please. the rings i choice for this story is 'End Notes'

Then he turned around and the kids tried to push him out of the way and Jacob pushed back. Jack was getting his tickets when he saw what was going on; even the guy behind the counter could see what was going on.

“Those kids have been causing trouble all week.”

“Why don’t you call the cops?”

“I have, three times, but they come and get them and then four hours later they return. They are from broken homes; all they need is disciplining.”

“Well, call the cops, because I’m sure the rest of us don’t want our evening ruined.”

“I’ll give them a call; here your tickets sir” he passed Jack the tickets.

“Thanks” and then he worked his way over to Jacob. When he reached him, the kids looked at Jack. He was giving them his hard ass Colonel look and they backed up. Jacob turned around to see what was going on.

“I’ve got the tickets Dad.”


Then they stepped forward and Jacob bought two sodas and popcorn and then they moved out of the way and out of ear shot range.

“Those kids need a good spanking” Jacob said.

“I know. The guy I spoke to said that the staff here has had problems with them all week and have called the cops a few times.”

“What they need to do is to put them into a boot camp.”

“I agree; perhaps we can have our own boot camp here and teach them a thing or two about respect”

“Good idea; why don’t we talk to George in the morning about it.”

“And we can ask for volunteers. I’m sure there will be plenty of volunteer’s to help out.”

“True, shall we?” they followed the group in front of them into the movie theatre.

Over three hours later they walked out of the theatre and stopped off at the men’s room to relieve themselves before heading back to Jack’s truck and then home.

“That sure was a good movie” Jacob said when they arrived home.

“Yes it was but it’s a shame that Sam wasn’t there with us.”

“True” they walked up the stairs and down the hallway.

“Good night, Jack.”

“Jacob, can you come with me for a minute.”

“Sure” they walked down to Sam’s bedroom and Jack disappeared in to the walk in closet and returned with three boxes.

“Jacob, there is some thing I want to ask you” he pointed to the bed and they both sat down.

“Jacob, you know that I love and respect Sam and that I’ll never hurt her? What I’m asking here is that I would like your blessing to ask Sam for her hand in marriage.”

“I know you two love each other and you love and respect her Jack and I can tell that the kids love you also. You get on well with Mark and Laura so you can ask for her hand but if you hurt her…”

“If I did, for starters, I wouldn’t able to sit down for a month after Doc finished with me and her needles, how’s that for starters” Jacob laughed.

“I get the picture Jack, so what are these?”

Jack opened the first one and showed Jacob. It was a round sapphire with two diamonds on each side, done in white gold with an 18ct yellow gold band.

“It was my grandmother’s engagement ring; she left it to me after she passed away. She also left me these wedding rings, my grandfather had passed away five years earlier.”

Jack then opened the two other boxes and the rings were identical except that one ring was bigger than the other. They were plain gold bands with yellow gold filigree edging.

“When I proposed to Sara she told me that she didn’t like them and she told me what she wanted. So I got her what she wanted and I should have realized then but I didn’t. Before my grandmother passed away she told me that I was getting the rings and she said that the woman would love whatever ring I gave her and then I would know she is the one for me.”

“I know Sam will love whatever you give her, because she knows it’s from you and I know she will love these.”

“Thanks, Jacob”

“So, when are you going to pop the question?”

“Well, I was thinking about retiring after the New Year but I’ll think about it.”

“I’m off to bed, good night Jack” he got up and headed to the door.

“Night Jacob” Jacob left for his room, leaving Jack thinking.

He closed the boxes and put them away before striping down to his boxers and a tee shirt and crawling into bed. He snuggled up to Sam’s pillow, inhaling her perfume and shampoo before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

End Notes: ring3

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