Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please

He walked up to her; she held on to his hand and walked out of the room and up the stairs and walked into one of the spare bedrooms.

“Sam, what is it?” she took him over to the window. She had tinted glass windows and she did not turn the room lights on. She pointed out of the window and Jacked look where Sam was pointing; at the black van.

“I noticed it there yesterday too” she said. Jack pulled out his cell phone.

“This is O’Neill; I need to speak to Hammond.”

“Yes sir.”


“Sir, do you have someone watching Sam’s house?”

“No, why?”

“Because there is a black, unmarked van not far up the street from Sam’s house and she said that she also noticed it there yesterday.”

“I’ll check it out.”

“Thanks sir.”

“How is the house and tree decorating coming along?”

“Finished sir; it’s great and you are going to love it, sir.”

“I’m sure I will. I’ll let you know in the morning what I find out; good night Colonel.”

“Night sir” then they hung up.

“Hammond is going check it out.”

“Ok; shall we see what’s going on downstairs?” They walked back down to the game room to see what the others were laughing about.

“Who won?” Jack asked.

“We did” Sarah said. It was Sarah and Janet vs. Daniel and Jonas in a game of pool.

“Were any bets made?”

“Yes, the loser gets to make breakfast for the winner and bring it to them in bed.”

“Ah, breakfast in bed. What are you guys going to make for breakfast for these two?”

“That was the other part of the bet, the works; bacon, eggs, hash browns, grilled tomatoes, waffles with maple syrup, coffee, orange juice and a rose” Cassie said, grinning.

“Woo, you guys sure have your work cut out for you.”

“Funny, Jack really funny.”

“We better get going; we have an early start tomorrow. We will see you in the morning.”

“We better get going ourselves” Daniel said.

They walked to the front door and put their jackets and boots on and said their good nights before leaving. Once they were gone, Jack closed the door and turned the shield on and then they went to bed themselves.

The next morning, when they left for work, the black van was gone. Sam had to get gas so Jack got to work a few minutes before she did. When she arrived and had changed, she went to her lab to find Jack waiting for her.

“Shall we?”

“Yes sir.”

They walked to Hammond’s office. When they got there, Jack poked his head in and saw that Hammond was on the phone. He looked up and waved Jack and Sam in. Sam walked in first followed by Jack and he closed the door behind him for privacy. Once they were seated they waited until he was finished on the phone. After he hung up, he looked at them,

“I sent a team to check out the van last night; they were NID.”

“So, where are they now?”

“In the SGC holding cells. Dr Jackson and Jonas Quinn are going to try to get some information out of them, if they can.”

“Ok; so we have a leak. The question is, who and why?”

“We will have to wait and see Colonel.”

“Thanks; is there anything else?”

“Yes; the SGC Christmas party is on the twenty second, so be here for it.”

“Yes sir, we will be here” Then there was a knock at the door.

“Come” the door opened and Daniel poked his head in, smiling.

“Ah, we have good news.”

“Come in and close the door Dr Jackson” Daniel opened the door so both he and Jonas could come in and then he closed the door.

“What is the good news” Sam asked.

”It seems the NID is more interested in how you can afford to buy land and build a house there then to get same for anything else.” They all relaxed, knowing the dream secret was still a secret and they didn’t have a leak.

“What? Is that all? Sir, isn’t that information in Carter’s records?

“Yes it is but it doesn’t say how much exactly though. All it says is that she came into over five million dollars.”

“Good, so the NID knows about the money already.”


“So there has got to be something else.”

“The Asgard shield.” Sam said.

“What? Why would they be interested in that?”

“I don’t know sir but that is the only thing I can think of.”

“I think that from now on Colonel you should go to your own home at night and not stay at the Major’s, just in case the NID are looking for something else.”

“Yes sir, so what is on the agenda for today?”

“We have a briefing in twenty minutes.”

“Ok, if that is all sir permission to be dismissed.”

“Granted, until the briefing.”

Jack and Sam stood up and left the office with Daniel and Jonas right behind them.

An hour later they stepped through the gate to PYX-329. There were ruins about a twenty minute walk from the gate, so they started walking towards the ruins. When they arrived, Daniel and Jonas took pictures, as well as taking notes. Sam was collecting plant and dirt samples while Jack and Teal’c checked the area out.

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