Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please

While the counterman was busy getting their order, another worker recognised him and walked over to the counter.

“General O’Neill”

“Collins, how are you?”

“Good, thanks you, sir. I’m back in school and getting top grades and got a job. Thanks man, you sure straightened me out.”

“That’s good; are you still with Mel?”

“Yeah, we even got engaged last night but I haven’t got a ring yet.”

“Congratulations. Collins, this is my wife, Colonel Samantha Carter. Sam, Sam this rough neck was from the first group” he said smiling.

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you and congratulations on your engagement.”

“Thanks; we are going to wait until we finish high school before getting hitched.”

“Good for you; have you decided on what you going to do when you leave?”

“Yeah, I’m going to go to collage and become a social worker and work with troubled kids. Mel wants to become a nurse, so we are both studying hard and doing the best we can, you know with our family and all.”

“Sure, I understand; keep in touch and remember what I told you at camp.”

“Yeah, I remember. Enjoy you dinner. Hey, what is happening about the camp?”

“We have received funding for it.”

“Hey man, that’s cool. I better get back to work; I’ll see you guys around. “

“Sure take care”

Once they had their meal they found a corner table and sat down and enjoyed their dinner.

“Collins, was he the worst one from the first group?”

“Yeah, you should have seen him, he was a mess. His father used him as a punching bag when he was drunk and his mother is a drug addict. He has three younger brothers; he and Mel have known one another since they were five. Mel’s case was just as bad; her mother is an alcoholic and the stepfather a womanising bastard. He attacked her a few times, almost raping the poor girl. She left home and has been staying at the Collins’ for the past three years and his parents don’t know she has been living in their house.”

“How old is Mel?”

“Fifteen; she still has another two years of high school left.”

“Well, at least Collins is there for her.”

“Yeah and so are the rest of the group. As soon as the kids open up and we find out why they were getting into trouble, it seems that it generally goes back to the family situation. At least now, with the program, there is a place and people to help kids like Collins.”

“Well, good for him.”

“True, so how are you feeling?”


“Good, I’m pleased” he said smiling.

“One thing I’ll need to buy are maternity clothes.”

“I’m sure we can find some time to shop together for clothes for you and start setting up a nursery for the little one.”

“True, but you and I can do the nursery, while, Janet, Sarah and Cassie will be helping me shop for maternity clothes.”

“Now that will be interesting, watching you ladies having all the fun trying on different clothes.”

“Jack!” she shook her head.

They talked for half an hour while having their dinner. When they left Jack carried the bucket of leftover chicken to the truck and then passed it to Sam after she put the seat belt on and then they headed home for the night.

The next morning they arrived at the SGC, they changed and walked to the infirmary to see Janet.

“Morning Janet.”

“Morning guys, how was your honeymoon?”

“It was great Janet; we enjoyed ourselves.”

“That’s good; so he knows?”

“Yes and can hardly wait to see him or her” Janet laughed.

“Ok, let’s go and see the little one.”

They walked to the furthest bed and Janet pulled the curtain across and she already had the ultra sound machine set up for them. Sam lay down on the bed and pulled her pants down and lifted her top up just under her breasts. Jack could already see the bump forming and smiled at Sam. Janet put the gel on Sam’s stomach and picked up the rod and put it over the bump; she looked at the screen and raised an eyebrow.

“Well, how is the little one?” Janet turned the screen around so they could look at it also.

“They are fine; normal size for twelve weeks.”

“They?” they said at the same time and Janet smiled.

“Yes they, twins; you are carrying twins Sam, congratulations.”

“Wow, can we hear their heart beats?”


She turned the sound on and they smiled when they heard their hearts beating and they smiled and Jack gave her a kiss. Janet cleaned Sam up and then she got dressed.

“I see that you are both happy?”

“Yes we are Janet.”

“Good; now Sam, I want you to eat three healthy meals a day and I also want to keep an eye on you and the twins. I want to see you every two weeks to make sure that you and the twins are ok.”

“Thanks Janet.”

“Ok, no gate travel from now on.”

“We better go and see George then, thanks Janet.”

“No problem and, another thing, no coffee and if you’re feeling tired, take a nap.”

“I will Janet, see you at lunch.”

“Ok, bye.”

Janet watched them walking out with grins on their faces. She was happy for them. A few minutes later they walked into General Hammond’s office and Jack closed the door before they sat down.

“Welcome back, this place hasn’t been the same without you Colonel.”

“Thank you sir.”

“So, what can I do for you?”

“Sir, have you approved my transfer to the labs?”

“I would like a good enough reason why, when you have been leader of SG1 for only six months?”

“Doctor’s order’s” Jack said and Hammond looked at them both.


“I’m pregnant sir. Janet doesn’t want me to go off world until six months after the babies are born.”

“Babies?” they just grinned at him.

“Yes sir, twins.”

“Congratulations. Since it is doctor’s order’s, your transfer is granted.”

“Thank you sir.”

Hammond stood up and walked around the desk and they stood up as well as Hammond gave Sam a hug.

“I’ll let you tell the rest of your team Colonel.”

“Thank you, sir. Permission to send a message to Dad?” Hammond grinned.

“Granted, he will be very happy at the news.”

“We know he will sir.”

“Ok, your dismissed Colonel. Jack, I would like to talk to you.”

“Sure, see you later Sam.”

“Ok” she gave Jack a kiss before leaving the office.

Hammond and Jack talked about the boot camp project while Sam went to the control room and sent a message to the Tok’ra. Then she went to see the rest of her team who were in Daniel’s lab. She was there for half an hour when Jack came in. Since they were all there, Sam told them the news.

“Guys I’ve transferred off of SG1 for about a year.”

“Sam; what, why?” Daniel asked.

“We are going to have a baby… well two babies.” Sam said, smiling at them. They were stunned at the news.

“Wow, congratulations you two; so you’re having twins?”

“Yes, I hope that you understand.”

“Yes of course we understand, I’m happy for you guys.”

Daniel gave them both a hug and then the rest joined in. They talked for few more minutes before Sam and Jack went to Sam’s lab. Jack was looking through some files that Hammond had given to him while Sam was going through her e-mails and replying to some of them. They had been working for an hour when Sam put her password on the computer and put on the screen saver, got up and stretched.

“Hey, do you want to get something to eat?”

“Are you hungry?”


“Ok, I could do with a break” they walked to the mess hall.

Jack got himself a cup of coffee while Sam got herself a piece of cake and a cup of tea. They sat down at one of the tables and talked for awhile having their drinks and cake and then they returned to work.

Jack was going through the personnel files that Hammond have given him; recommendations for leaders at the boot camp. Most of them were retired and Hammond knew them. Jack went through each of the file and he decided to also check out other former Air Force, Army and Marines personnel from the web site. He wrote down names and other information he would need for the search. They stopped for lunch and then carried on working until 1500 when they decided to call it a day. They got changed and while waiting for the elevator to the surface,

“Jack, can we go to the mall? Janet told me about a maternity shop there and I want to check it out?”

“Sure, the mall it is.”

Half an hour later Jack found a parking space just outside the entrance to the mall. When they walked they were surprised how crowded it was. Jack and Sam held hands and started to walk along, looking into each of the shops. They walked past the Food Court and Sam decided to see what they had. Sam stopped at the ice cream shop and looked over the menu to see what she felt like.


“I just felt like something sweet.”

“Ok, what do you want?”

“A waffle cone.”


“Of course?” she said smiling.


They walked up to the counter and Jack ordered two chocolate ice cream waffle cones with chocolate topping, whipped cream and nuts. They carried their treats along with them while walking around, window shopping until their ice cream was gone.

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