Author's Notes:

Information has gotten out in certain circles that could a detriment to Sam and Jack

Disclaimer: Stargate SG1, characters, settings etc. are property of their owners. No copyright infringement is intended. Original characters and plots are property of the author. No profit is being made from the fiction.

A Little Indiscretion
by Adelie King


Chapter Three: Mixed Stories

The negotiations ended and everyone returned back through the Stargate and followed SOP. Everyone had their usual physicals and were dismissed. Dr. Janet Frasier was taking Jack's blood pressure and responded, "Your blood pressure is higher than usual Colonel O'Neill." She looked at his heart rate, "And your heart is racing faster than normal as well." Janet clearly observed, "You are way more stressed out than usual."

"Gee I wonder why doc." Jack made one of his snide remarks as usual.

"No I don't know why Colonel." Janet got firm with him, "Why don't you explain it to me." She crossed her arms. He looked over at Sam in response and she looked away from him with fear she'd notice. Janet did and now she was concerned.

Then Daniel walked in and answered for him, "He was angry and almost started a fight with Martouf."

Janet then inquired, "And why was that Daniel?"

"Why don't you ask them?" Daniel replied looking in their direction.

She looked at both Sam and Jack who looked away from each other and she quickly summed it up. "I think I have an idea." Janet looked at them like naughty children and turned back to Daniel and asked, "What exactly happened Daniel?" She crossed her arms again.

"Apparently Martouf was making innocent advances and flirtations on Sam and Jack tried to start a fight with him." Daniel calmly explained to her, "Martouf handled the situation very well and embarrassed Jack as a result." He paused and added, "Jack didn't take it all too well."

Janet looked back at Jack and smiled as a result then remarked, "Well no wonder his blood pressure is so high." They shared a laugh at his expense a moment. She then looked at Jack and advised, "You need to go home Colonel and calm yourself down for a while."

"Thanks a lot Daniel." Jack got off his cot more irritated than when he got there with his jacket in the bend of his arm, "I'm glad you find this so amusing." He headed out relieved at the same time because Daniel distracted from what really happened. The last thing he needed was word of his indiscretion with Carter both Carters leaking out. Jack had enough to worry about when Hammond found out about what happened.

Soon as Jack was out of ear shot Janet looked at Sam and asked, "You want to tell me what really happened Sam?" Sam had this saddened look of guilt on her face and Janet stressed, "The truth." She walked over to her so they could talk quietly.


Meanwhile as predicted Jacob Carter went to see General Hammond about the situation brewing between his daughter and Colonel Jack O'Neill. Hammond rose out of his chair as he usually did when Jacob came to see him. "Jacob, how did the negotiations go?"

"Good George, the negotiations went fine..." Jacob trailed off at the end, "But...there was another incident."

"What incident?" Hammond took his chair behind his desk and Carter followed suit.

"Something happened between my daughter and O'Neill or should I have said going on between O'Neill and my daughter." Jacob explained.

"Well what's going on?" The General inquired calmly.

"They're having an affair George." Jacob informed him calmly but obviously upset.

"What?" Hammond smiled in disbelief, "That can't be right Jacob. Colonel O'Neill and Captain Carter are strictly professional to the letter. They wouldn't do that."

"I've got news for you George they are." Jacob corrected him.

"What proof do you have of this?" Hammond asked him still unsure with a gesture of his hands.

"I caught them kissing behind a wall between the negotiation sessions." He informed him, "And believe me I tore them a new one."

Hammond's jaw hit the floor, "You caught my two finest officers kissing behind the wall during a break." He leaned forward resting his folded hands on his desk.

"Yes George I did." Jacob stated, "They were frenching around a hidden corner of the Tokra base." His voice was not happy, "It was very passionate I assure you."

Now Hammond wasn't happy and his tone showed it, "And what else did you see to prove this alleged affair between my best officers?" He wanted to know.

Carter answered, "I chewed out O'Neill and he pretty much slipped admitting he was very attracted to her and wanted to sleep with her."

"Well what man on base doesn't Jacob?" Hammond logically inquired and notified him, "I've heard many of the officers express sexual interest in your daughter. She's very attractive." He paused and clarified, "But that doesn't mean they're having an affair with her." Hammond then asked, "So what makes Colonel O'Neill any different?"

"Sam admitted that she's in love with the Colonel." Jacob told him straight up, "I think it's something to be concerned about him being her CO and her his subordinate."

"Well I'd have to agree." Hammond didn't disagree with him, "So what do you think I should do about it?" He inquired even though he already knew what the answer would be.

"I think it would be best to transfer her away from here and out of Colonel O'Neill's unit and command." Jacob stressed, "Before this gets out and her career gets tarnished."

"Before I make a decision like that Jacob I would like to speak with my officers in private and hear their side of the story." Hammond told him flat out and said, "Thank you for bringing this to my attention." He promised, "I assure you I'll deal with it appropriately."

"Thank you George." Jacob rose from the chair and headed out the door.

Hammond suspected there might be more to this than Carter's father was telling him because he knew Jack and Sam too well and this just didn't sound like them.


In the infirmary in Janet's office she was going off on Sam, "What the hell were you thinking Sam?" She paused and continued, "Kissing your CO first off your father catching you and then leading him to believe you're having an affair with the Colonel?" Janet then added, "It's no wonder your father is thinking what he is."

"I was being facetious Janet. I kissed him to make a point to prove to my dad that his assumptions were ridiculous." Sam explained bluntly sitting on the edge of the desk, "The Colonel even knows why I did it." She took a breath and continued, "My father sometimes overreacts to things and you know it." Sam crossed her arms rolling her eyes.

"Then what made you kiss him the first time Sam?" Janet asked her firmly with logic, "That obviously wasn't to make your father angry." Sam was about to make another excuse but Janet called her on it, "And don't tell me you were pretending to hide your conversation either." She demanded, "Now tell me the truth're in love with the Colonel aren't you?"

Sam couldn't look Janet in the face which answered her just like it did Jack earlier. "Sam, how long have you known that you felt this way about him?"

She stroked her bangs out of her face and answered, "I suspected for a while but my dad cornered me which made me face it during the negotiations." Sam then swore, "I never wanted this to happen." She shook her head feeling the tears coming again.

"No one ever does Sam but it's happened and now you have to decide how to handle it." Janet told her and then asked, "Does he know about your feelings?"

"Yes but after my dad grilling it out of me with him in earshot how could he help not knowing it." Sam sobbed so controllably that no one could tell she was crying until she sniffed and wiped a tear away. Then she informed Janet, "My father is probably in Hammond's office already telling him to have me transferred away."

Janet commented, "That isn't good." She took a breath and predicted, "And I'm sure it will affect the General's opinion of you greatly."

"Don't remind me." Sam got off the desk and walked around rubbing her head and neck, "Then the Colonel got jealous and threatened Martouf to stay away from me." Her arms moved in emphasis and surprisingly told Janet, "He's never acted that way toward Martouf before when he's conversed with me." Sam was acting confused, "Then he just told him to stay away from me all of a sudden."

"This is an even bigger problem now." Janet pointed out, "The Colonel just proved he returns your feelings himself. Hammond is not going to be happy if he finds out the feelings are mutual." She predicts, "That means the possibility of a transfer and reassignment has become a probability."

Sam covered her eyes, "Please don't remind me Janet. This is painful enough for me." She looked at her tears in her eyes.

Janet then told her, "I want you to go home and relax so you can tell Hammond with a clear head tomorrow." She stressed, "The last thing that you need is to break down in his office."

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